Speeches and then Dancing

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   Tina got her speech ready as she reads them while speaking in to the microphone.
"Hi everybody, my name is Tina, Sandie's sister and a bridesmaid. I just wanna say I'm happy that we're all here celebrating and I'm happy for Sandie, who has married her fiance today. We're grateful that Sebastien and his family are now a part of ours." The speech took a few minutes to get through, but Tina continued on, saying that she hopes my family will see Sebastien's family whenever we can if we do meet up with each other. Tina then added in about the whole day and how this night will always be remembered, then concluded with a toast.
"Cheers!" Sandie called out, holding up her wine glass.
Everyone did the same thing, then took a sip.
   Tina then returned to her seats. Next up, it was Vince's turn to make a speech and he went up to the podium, holding a piece of paper. Vince tells us that he's very happy for his brother getting married today and to have Sandie in their family's lives, as well as sharing a few things with the guests from what he and Sebastien were like growing up together, making everyone chuckle. Then when Vince was all finished, everyone clapped. For a few minutes, everyone relaxed at their table and talked. While the guests are just chilling, Sandie and Sebastien asked if anyone has not yet signed their name or wrote messages on an oar. In most weddings I know of, guests write the "congratulation" or "best wishes" messages on a large wedding card.
   I didn't tell you guys this, but I already did it earlier before dinner. I said that I was proud of Sandie and Sebastien on their special day, which was today. When the time comes, the guests all started leaving the tent and headed somewhere together. I also got up and began to follow them, but first I asked my mom if she's coming along. My mom says that she's only tagging along for a little bit before heading back to our suite, because she's really tired. I then ran to join after the other guests as we walked across the beach. The sky is now dark and the sun has already gone down.

   Finally, we made it to a Tiki Hut where people can order drinks. And right beside it is a large, black dance floor. As soon as every single guests have arrived to the dance floor, the music started playing. Everyone started dancing along to the songs. I joined in, dancing with Sandie, Sebastien, as well as some of their friends. Cami joined next to me, dancing as well.
"Are you having fun?" she asked, speaking up over the loud music.
"Yeah, I am! thanks!" I responded back, loudly as well.
   A few minutes later, some of the guests got thirsty and decided to go to the hut to get drinks.
I decided to get one too. Most of the adults got themselves some alcoholic drinks. I decided
to ask the barkeeper if they have any pop. He listed them out for me. I chose Pepsi. The bartender got a plastic cup and poured a caramel-looking liquid in. It fizzed and then bubbled.
After he was done, he handed me the cup.
"Thank you so much!" I told him, grabbing the cup.
I moved over to the side to let other people get a turn and I took my time to sip my drink as I watched the rest of the guests dance while some are lining up for beverages. Just as I finished my Pepsi, a new song - from a familiar artist I know of, came on. It was I quickly threw my cup into the trash can and then joined in the dancing. I danced along with Sandie, Cynthia, Cami and a few of Sebastien's friends.

   Hours then passed, a few people decided to take a break from dancing to go sit down, relax and talk to each other, as others decided to go order themselves a drink. I walked around for a bit and came across my sister Sandie getting another picture taking. When she saw me, she waved. "Hey Anthony, having fun?"
"Hey Sandie. Yeah, I am. Thanks. Some of the guests are just taking a little break." I told her as I walked up to her and J-S. One of the poses Sandie did for the picture included sitting down on a wooden bench and holding a bouquet up. Moments later, Sandie suddenly asked me.
"Oh Anthony, did you and I get a picture together yet?"
The question suddenly got me thinking and then remembering that I haven't yet taken a photo with Sandie.
"Oh no, I don't think we did. Probably forgot to do it." I answered back. "You wanna get a picture together now?"
"Yeah, sure!" Sandie said, as I immediately head over and stood beside her. 
John-Sebastian then began taking a couple of shots of Sandie and I standing. Then we sat next to the campfire, which made us a little warm during the cool night. After a few more pics together, all three of us began leaving the fireplace to go back to join everyone else at the party.

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