Hangout at Sandie and Sebastien's suite

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   When Sandie and I got back to the dance floor with everyone, we danced and had fun. Sandie also had a slow dance with Sebastien, and I conversed briefly with some of the guests - over the loud music playing, so we had to speak up. I also got to know a little bit about Teddy, a friend of Sebastien, when I spoke to him. What I know is that he went to university with Sebastien and he's currently living in Hong Kong. Sandie told me he's originally from the States. That's pretty much it. And I even got a picture with him and Ali, to possibly keep for memories along with the other pictures I took today.
   Whenever I'm not dancing, because I feel tired, I just relax and talk to other guests for fun. I spoke to Sebastien's cousin Xavier, and his wife about what they think of St. Lucia and what they love about the resort. A few of the guests talked to me as well, asking me how I know Sebastien, or if I like staying at this resort, stuff like that. We talked for an hour or longer, with time going by quickly. Later on when the dancing stops, a couple of people decide to head over to a bar to sit and relax, I met up with Tina and Sandie, where we all walked over to the bar patio deck. Sandie had already gotten herself a drink as she sat beside me. And because there's only room for Sandie and myself on the edge of the patio to sit on, Tina had to stand on the bannister above us.
   I suddenly decided I want a drink myself, so I told Sandie I'm going to be right back. I got up, walked up to the bar and requested a pina colada. The bartender did everything quickly and handed me a cup with a straw. I returned to my sisters and sat back down. Shortly after, we meet these two men that were nearby and they decided to say hi to us. One man is young, possibly around Sandie and Sebastien's age, with blond spiky hair. and the other man is a bit older and has a bit of white hair.
"Hello. You guys having a wedding?" The older man asked.
"Yeah, we are. I got married today." Sandie told him.
"Oh, well congratulations." The man said, being genuinely happy for her. "Hope you guys
had a fun day celebrating!"
"Thanks!" Sandie responded, laughing. "We did."
"Thank you so much!" I said, at the same time as her.
   When the man talked to us, I noticed he has a little bit of an accent. It sounded familiar though. Wonder where he's from. Then, the younger man talked to next, asking us where we're from and how we like St. Lucia. Sandie told him we're all from Canada, as this includes me and Tina. I jumped in, telling him we love the resort and how beautiful everything is. Then the guy told us he is from the UK and that his name is Marco.
"I'm Sandie," Sandie introduced herself. "This is my brother Anthony" - she pointed at my direction, then pointed up at Tina - "and this is my sister Tina."
"It is nice to meet you, Marco." I said. Then I turned to the older man, "and a pleasure to meet you too!" As for Tina, she either just waved or said a few words. She was looking tired and out of it.
"Is your sister okay?" Marco asked, concerned.
"Yeah, she's okay. She is a little bit tipsy and tired." Sandie explained. We all then chuckled. And honestly, I was wondering about Tina too, since she's looking the way she is.
For the next few minutes, the two men had a nice conversation, until Cynthia and a few friends of Sandie's came to us. Cynthia informed Sandie that we're going to go to her suite very soon. Then she noticed who Sandie was just talking to and said hi to them, even introducing herself.
   Before we left, Sebastien and a couple other people introduced themselves to Marco as well and shook hands with him. I said bye to the man that Marco was with, as he told me to have fun with the rest of the night, and I wished him the same as we exchanged hugs. As Sandie told Sebastien to meet us all in the front, I had to help her with getting Tina to the lobby by each of us grabbing hold of her arms. Nathan, Jorgen, Teddy, Cami and Ali, and some other guests were all walking closely in front of us. Finally, we left the beach and made it to the lobby. We got to the entrance to wait for a car to drive us to Sandie and Sebastien's suite. Sandie and I placed Tina beside a pillar for her to rest her head on.
   While waiting, Sandie decided to ask me, "Anthony, can you take a picture of me and Tina while she's out?"
"Really? You want to?" I asked.
"Sure. It'll be funny."
So, I did. and I took a pic of Sandie, smiling at the camera next to Tina, while she's getting some shuteye. Finally, a car came down a hill, parked in front of us and a male staff stepped out of the car and helped the wedding guests load stuff for the afterparty in to the back trunk. As some people started getting in the car, I went in before Tina and Sandie did, and someone else helped get Tina inside.
"Is your sister okay?" a girl in the back seat asked me and Sandie.
"Yeah, she is. She's a little wasted," Sandie responded as she set Tina on the chair beside me, then went to go sit in the front passenger seat beside the driver seat.
Then moments later, after everyone is inside the car and the items for the afterparty is loaded, the vehicle then starts taking off.
It was almost a long ride up the hill to Sandie and Sebastien's suite, since it's very steep. The driver also had to slow down for resort guests walking up and down the small road. On the way up, I decided to check up on Tina. She's now awake, but still very quiet.
"Tina, are you okay?" I asked her. "You're so quiet. I assume you drank a lot."
Tina, having heard me perfectly fine, shook her head as if she's denying it. "No, I didn't," she answered, speaking a bit quiet.

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