Wedding Photo shoot

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   The next morning, my family and I woke up early. I checked my phone for the time. It is 8 am. Today is the big day! The day that Sandie and Sebastian get married! I glanced over at another bed where my mom and Tina slept. Tina is still asleep and my mom is also awake, but laying down in bed while seemingly texting someone. I decided to get myself ready for the day first, so I got out of bed, head over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. On my way back out, I walked past my mom, who is about to go get ready too. She told me to get out my wedding attire from the closet and have them set on my bed, as we are going get dressed soon. My whole family -- including Sebastien's family -- are going to be outside most of the morning and afternoon getting our pictures taken by the photographers.

   As I got my suit and placed them nicely on my bed, along with a tie, I heard the front door knocking.
"Anthony, who is at the door? Can you check?" My mom called me from the bathroom.
Unfortunately, someone on the other side of the suite had already answered the door as I clearly heard it opened. I quickly told my mom it's already taken care of. I then heard two people talking from behind our bedroom door.
"Hey Sandie!"
"Hey, good morning!"
It's Sandie and Bao! It looks like Bao also woke up early like my mom and I did.
I decided to open my door to greet Sandie.
"Good morning, Sandie!" I gave her a wave. "Are you gonna get ready for your wedding?"
Sandie saw me and waved back. "Hi Anthony! Yeah, I am. A lady is coming here soon to do my hair."

   Suddenly, Tuan and Bao's bedroom door opened and Tuan came out, and walked over to my room, looking for my mom and asked her something. I then wondered if Elizabeth, my niece if you guys forgot, is still sleeping, cuz she didn't follow after her dad.
I turned my attention back to Sandie. "Is Sebastien getting ready too?" I asked
"Not yet, he's meeting with his parents in the lobby. But he will be soon." Sandie explained.
   At this moment, my mom appeared beside me after walking out of the bathroom and told me to get getting dressed, since the photo shoot will be happening in a few minutes. And since we're all going to be outside -- I think I mentioned this before -- the weather will be a little bit breezy, hot and sunny. We'll be at the beach, posing and smiling for the pictures. So I went back into the bedroom and made my way over to my bed to get my suit. As I did, I saw that Tina is finally awake and she walked out into the living room to greet Sandie.
   About 8 minutes later, my family starts getting dressed. I put on a light tone of beige or tan wedding jacket, finished up with buttoning up my lavender pink collared shirt and linen shorts that is the same colour as my jacket. My mom was in the bathroom again and came back out, fixing the shoulder part of her peach dress. As she looked at herself in the mirror of the closet door, she asked me to help her with the back of her dress, which is basically designed or made in an open shape of a triangle, where your bare back is exposed. My mom pointed to where she wanted me to help her. The fabric material at bottom part of the triangle must've been folded inwards when she put the dress on. I grabbed the folded bit of the fabric, gently pulled up and unfurled it until it is flattened completely. When that was settled, I went out to the living room to check on Sandie. The lady that is doing her hair has most of them put up and placed two white flowers on the right side of her hair.
   "Oh wow, your hair looks great!" I told her, surprised.
Sandie smiled, "thank you! I'm glad you like it!"
"Is it almost time for us to go outside?" I asked, wondering when we go.
"Yeah, very soon." Sandie said, affirming.
I nodded as if to tell her "okay", then looked at my brother's bedroom door, which is closed at the moment and I went back into to my side of the room.
As I made my way to the couch, Tina walked past by me in her blue strapless dress on her way to the bathroom with makeup and a brush in one hand.
I sat down and decided to just wait for everyone else to finish up. This is sure going to be a fun day today!

   Several moments later, after my whole family is dressed up, we decided to go outside by taking the backdoor of our suite and went down the stairs that is beside the swimming pool. When we got to the bottom, I saw Sebastien with his parents, there's also Jorgen, Vincent and Vicky, waiting for us. The photographers are also present. When they all saw us arriving, they waved and greeted us. Then, Minh and Anthony arrived shortly after. Minh is wearing a red dress and Anthony is wearing a white collared sleeved shirt and a grey-ish brown long pants. Once everyone is here, the photo shoot begins. We waited and took quite a few pictures of some individuals on the wooden deck located below our backyard at our suite. Then we all begin walking towards the beach area. Manuela and J-S (John-Sebastien) had Sandie walk ahead of us the rest of us, I'm assuming they want her to go to a certain spot for a picture. As we continued walking, I looked up at the sky. It's very blue and clear and also very sunny at this point. 
   Finally after a long walk on the deck, we arrived at the dock by the water. I saw Sandie standing at the far end, positioning beside the railing. She is facing the ocean. At first I wondered why she isn't looking at us, but then as we all got closer, I finally saw J-S there, snapping a photo of Sandie. My family and I stopped at a two-step stairs that leads to the dock. We moved aside just as Sebastien, along with Jorgen and Vincent -- whom all three of them were walking together -- arrived. Sebastien has his eyes covered while Vincent helps guide him to Sandie. It seems to look like there's a surprised or something when Sebastian has his hand over his eyes. My brother decided to take a picture as well, so he went up on the dock to get photos of them. Tina then took over and helped Sebastien go up the steps.
"Do I keep my eyes closed?" He asked, still covering his eyes.
"Yeah," Tina answered. Then she called to Sandie. "Alright, ready? turn around!"
Sandie turned to look in Sebastien and Tina's direction, before Tina took Sebastien to go a little bit closer.
  They both talked about something briefly before they continued walking towards Sandie. Jorgen, Vincent, Bao and Minh then followed. When Tina and Bao joined Sandie, Minh stood a few feet away to take the photos, along with the photographer. The guys stood on the left of Sebastian and the girls stood on Sandie's right. After a few photos with Sandie and Sebastien with the groomsmen and the bridesmaid, we all left the deck and headed on to the beach. We all settled and sat together for a group picture on a bunch of big rocks lined up or squished together, as Manuela and J-S took our photos. After we took several pictures on the beach, Sandie and Sebastian had to get the wedding ready in a few minutes. The other guests in the resort are currently relaxing at this hour, since they are not a part of this photo shoot with the family, but they will be prepared soon to see my sister and -- I guess I can now call Sebastien my brother in-law -- get married. So when the photo shoot was all done, we all headed back inside, made our way to the front lobby and had a club car or vehicle to take all of us to where the wedding ceremony takes place, while Sandie had to return to her suite once more to prepare.

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