Back to the Present/Future

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   "And that's all!" I concluded, as I finished scrolling at the pictures of our very last day at Windjammer. They solely consists of pictures of an airplane window and you can see land outside, although everything is very tiny. And right next to me in the pictures that were taken, was my dad, looking out the window.
"The next morning, before we went to the airport, we had little bit of time to get breakfast before we had someone come pick us up." I told the girls.
"You guys sure had a lot of fun back then" Amelia said. "I wish I was there."
"Honey, you kind of were. You just weren't born until in the Spring." I explained. "We went to St. Lucia in February, in the Winter."
"I was there!" Elizabeth pointed out. "Even though I was only baby."
I gave her a one arm hug. "It's okay, sweetie. If you didn't remember much about the wedding, it's always acceptable to look at all these old pictures we saved!"
   Suddenly, my mom popped her head back out of the room, checking up on us. "Hi guys. You okay"?
The girls simultaneously said hi back to their grandma. At this moment, there was a knock on the door. My mom went to go answer it. It's Sandie! and just like Elizabeth, Amelia, my mom, Tina, and myself, Sandie's older now as well.
"Hi mom!" Sandie greeted her as she entered the suite. Then Sandie saw me and our nieces, who we all said hi at once.
"What is Sebastien doing right now?" my mom asked.
   "He's with his parents at the beach," Sandie told her. Then she and my mom sat down on two chairs with armrests as well as cushions on the bottom. I watched as they talk to each other in Vietnamese for a few minutes, then at the same time, browsing through my phone, hopefully looking to see some news on social media. I went on to my Facebook. Lots of my friends have shared pictures of themselves doing exciting things. I have also posted an update a day ago saying that I've went back to St. Lucia after 10 years. The post received 2-3 likes. I kept scrolling down to see more stuff.

Only a few minutes go by and there was a knock on the door.
"Anthony, can you go see who it is"? Sandie asked.
Immediately, I got up and head for the door and opened it. It was one of the staffs working at the resort.
"Hi there!" I greeted the employee.
"Good afternoon, how are you?" the staff smiled at all of us.
Within seconds, Sandie was standing beside me, greeting the female employee.
"The rest of us put this together for you." The employee said, handing Sandie a small card with a bow tied around it. "It's been a year since you guys were here last time. Welcome back!"
That was really touching! How nice of them to make a card!
"Thank you so much!" I said, gratefully.
"We really appreciate it!" Sandie chimed in.
Then the staff started wondering something, "where is your daughter? Is she here?"
"Yes, she is," Sandie confirmed. "My daughter is actually with my husband and my in-laws. They said they wanted to spend a little time with her."
The employee smiled upon hearing that. "I saw her earlier today. She's very cute!"
Sandie laughed, "thank you, I know, eh?"
   If you guys are wondering, my third niece, named Ophelie - she's half Vietnamese on Sandie's side. I believe she's 9. years old, after Amelia, who would be 10. However, based on the fact that we're in February, it's correct to say that all of my nieces' birthdays have not arrived yet, so Amelia would be 9 right now, Ophelie would be 8. And Elizabeth's birthday also isn't here yet, making her 10. Now, I don't know what else to say, honestly. Except that Ophelie has been learning French mostly so she can speak to her paternal grandparents. With my family, she didn't learn much Vietnamese except for learning how to say "grandmother" and "grandfather". Speaking of being mixed or biracial, I wanna add in and say that Ophelie has her father's hair colour, making her look European. However she did also inherit Sandie's eyes. And being at this age Ophelie is right now, it's very true that she looks adorable! People seem to love her!
And with that, the employee told us she'll see us around and then left.
   "Aunt Sandie, what's in the card"? Elizabeth asked.
"I don't know. But some staffs did this for me!" Sandie told her, showering her the card with a bow. "Isn't it nice?"
Both Elizabeth and Amelia took a moment to admire how nice the card looks before placing it on a kitchen counter.
There was a brief pause, no one is sure what to do next. Sandie quickly broke the silence.
"Now what? Does everyone want to go to the beach or pool?"
My mom turned to my two nieces, for their feedbacks. "Girls, what do you want to do?"
"I don't know." Amelia shrugged, undecided.
"It doesn't matter," Elizabeth told us.
"We can tell your mom and dad to meet us downstairs, is that alright?" Sandie asked the girls.
They nodded. My mom then went to go call Tina and inform her that we're about to leave. Seconds later, Tina appeared. She and Sandie said hi to each other at once.
"Are we ready to go, Sandie?" my mom asked.
"Sure! okay, let's go!" Sandie motioned her hand to the door.
Together, we all started putting on our shoes and then headed out the door of our suite. Today's probably gonna be another relaxing day since we came back to St. Lucia, do you think?

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