The remaining days at the resort

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   With less than a week left, my family, Sandie and Sebastien, our whole family and friends did some other activities around the resort. One day, it was morning and we took a boat big enough to fit over 12 people to the other side of the island. the boat ride took about an hour or 2. We were there all day taking pictures and walking around. I believe we also went snorkeling together. On our way back in the evening, I got to meet other people that were not staying at my resort. I got to know these couple from England originally, but they moved to New York. I also briefly met another boy around my age from Toronto. Upon returning to Windjammer, Sandie told us she wanted to have a little gathering with our family and have a few of hers and Sebastien's friends come to the pool in the back of my family's suite. 

   We all stayed outside hanging out and having fun until it started to get dark out. This was when we started to tidy up the food and pack up our towels. Tuan and Bao took Elizabeth back inside our suite to change, while Sandie and Sebastien's friends started to leave. Before Sandie follows, she asked my mom and Tina where are we going to have dinner. They've decided that we go to the Upper Deck to dine in.

   The next morning, I found out that we're going ziplining. My mom stayed behind at the resort, so my family went with Sebastien's family and Anne-Marie's family together. We all left on the bus in the morning. The ride took a few minutes. When we arrived, I saw and realized that the ziplining is not indoors or in a wide open area, but it's at some forest since there's a lot of trees around. We got out of the bus and one of the staffs lead us inside. The interior walls are all wood and painted, the ceiling is like a upside-down V. We walked up to the desk to sign up. The female staff asked Sandie who is participating. Sandie turned to all of us to confirm. She asked me if I'm going on and I told her I decided not to, since I'm not into ziplining. Shortly after, I found out that Anne-Marie and Peter, her husband, are also not doing the ziplining.
   While Sandie was signing everyone else up, I looked around. The place is a little bit packed.
There are other people already getting themselves prepared. They were putting on helmets, gloves - probably for gripping on - and a harness around their waste and shoulders.
Finally when the sign up is done, we were guided away from the desk for other people to sign up next. We stood at an open space near an opening entranceway and listened to a staff explain to us about the safety on ziplining. This went on for approximately 4-5 minutes before we then started making our way to a stairway. As we walked up, I saw that there's more people ahead of us.
   Apparently, by looking around there seems to be about 4 or 5 wires around and there's two floors. It almost looks like it's a square. And the second stairway I saw is where you go do the ziplining. Anne-Marie, Peter and I stayed on this floor as everyone else, including their two kids, go up together. Now all I have to do is wait and see when Sandie and everyone starts.
   Several moments go by as the three of us wait. We even got our camera out to try and take pictures. Suddenly, someone speed past us on a wire. It looked like Tina went first. After that, it looks like one of Anne-Marie's kids went next. Then I saw Sandie. Moments later, Sebastien zipped across. Then it kept going until everyone has gone. That's the end of the first one. Now we have to go to a different railing to see our family and friends go across the second wire. For this one, I see who I think is Vicky, going across. I recognized the black t-shirt she had on. Next was Vince. It was a little bit hard to tell for a split second since he and Sandie were both wearing a blue T-shirt. Sandie's was a different shade of blue and Vince had a red helmet on.
   Once everyone has gone, I head over to the third railing that has the stairway we came up on. Anne-Marie and Peter followed. The ziplining seems to go on for an hour or so. Maybe longer. And in each wire, it seems different people go first and in different order. After we moved to the fourth wire and everyone finished, they came down stairs and came over to us. There was a lot of questions and answers about how it felt and if it was scary. Finally, it was time for us to go back down to the main floor.
   After putting away their helmets and harness, we all waited until the bus came to drive us back to our resort. It was almost noon. Once we returned, everyone relaxed in their suites for a few hours. I spent a few minutes in the hot tub and walked around the backyard for a while, looking at other guests walking around the beach in the distance. When I was finished, I went back inside, changed out of my bathing suit changed into my t-shirts and shorts. I then stayed in mine, my mom and Tina's side of the suite until we go do something tonight.
   Hours went by, the sun started to go down. My mom suddenly got a phone call from Sandie. She said that she, Sebastien, and his family are getting ready to go get dinner. My mom had to get changed real quick, while Tina and I were already dressed up. When my mom finished, she called Bao in the other room about dinner. Bao said she and Tuan will meet us three downstairs at one of the restaurants - The Upper Deck.
   When I arrived at the lobby, along with Tina and our mom, I saw that it's a little bit crowded. Some people are just sitting on sofas, others are walking around places. I started looking around until I saw Sandie walking walking up to us, waving. She lead to Sebastien and his family. Vicky is there also. I also saw my dad standing with them. Together, we all walked out of the lobby, headed outside, across the beach and came to a deck with what I think is a bamboo-made roof over it. A staff greeted us, then took us to our seats. Moments later, Tuan and Bao joined us, with Elizabeth in her stroller. Minh and Anthony followed behind.

   A different staff came to our table, introduced herself as our server and gave all of us our menu. The server asked us what we wanted to drink first. Then she told us she will be back shortly before leaving. Everyone started looking through the menu for first course and then the main course. I decided to try this appetizers called "Ground Provision Croquettes". I didn't know what a croquette was, but learned that it's a deep-fried roll with filling inside. For my meal, I decided to pick "Filet Mignon 'Surf and Turf'". According to the description, it's a Fillet steak, three garlic shrimp and there's also herb mashed potatoes. The female server came back to our table with a tray of our drinks. I had ordered a Sprite. After everyone got their drinks, we gave her the menu and told us what meals and appetizers we want. We got our food after a few minutes of waiting.

   We all took our time eating and enjoying our food. The mashed potatoes I took a bite of has a bit of flavour to it and it's delicious! This is probably my favourite part of the meal. When we all finish our main course, another set of menus was given to us - for dessert this time. I ordered what I think is a piece of Vanilla cake with some sort of red and green sprinkles on top and a type of yellow sauce drizzled beside the cake. I cut a small piece of the cake to dip in a little bit of the sauce and then took a bite. Turns out it's actually syrup. A little sweet, but so good!
   After dinner, we decided to spend our last night on St. Lucia by walking around. Sandie, Sebastien, Vicky and Vince played volleyball together on the beach. Tina and I sat on two of the chairs and watched. I think the grown-ups go relax and talk in the lobby. As for Tuan and Bao, they are nearby as well, but watching my niece. While the game of volleyball was continuing, I looked around in the sky. There's lots of stars out tonight. Now a thought just entered my mind. Tomorrow morning - I assume after breakfast, we all fly back to Canada, so we need to get ready tonight before going to sleep. All of us in the wedding won't be back until 10 years later. It will be a long time until then. I'm really going to miss the resort. I assume that we might return to Windjammer again when we come back to St. Lucia instead of another resort. Maybe we won't, we'll be at this one. And who knows what we'll do? We'll have to see.

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