Water tubing at the Resort

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   I stirred and turned in bed, still feeling tired from last night. It's now morning, but outside, there's little sunlight. I saw my mom sitting up on her bed, having just woken up. She saw that I'm also awake.
"Did you have fun light night?" my mom asked. "What time did you get back?"
I rubbed my eyes, then sat up. "I did, mom. and I came back really late. Like, around 3 am."
"Wow!" my mom said, surprised. "So, where is Tina?"
"She's still at Sandie's." I told her. I began to check my phone for the clock to see how late I slept in. It's after 9:30. Not too late. Anyways, I hope Tina's okay and that she's recovering from last night. I got out of bed and head over to the washroom.
   I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face as I came back out of the washroom. There, I saw that Tina's back. She had gotten a ride down to our suite from Sandie's. My mom was talking to her, asking her if she's alright.
"Oh, hey Tina. I didn't know you came back, " I said as I walked over, passing my mom as she then went in to the washroom. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Tina responded. Then she whispered, "don't tell mom."
I chuckled. Of course, our mom doesn't have to know. And at this moment, the washroom door opened again and mom poked her head out.
"Tina, after I'm done, I'd like us to go downstairs to get breakfast. Please get changed."
And with that, Tina and I started to get ready to go down to the lobby.

For breakfast, Pancakes, French Toasts and sausages were served. I had a few slices of Pancakes with scrambled eggs and got myself a glass of milk. We ate for about half hour. When my mom, Tina and I finished eating, we head down to the beach where Sandie, Sebastien and a few of their friends were playing volleyball. Even Minh and Anthony are playing. They both are playing on opposite teams. The volleyball nets are located a bit further down from where we usually go hang out. I stayed under a tent to get some shade since the weather is a bit humid. Nearby where I'm standing, there is another Tiki Hut where they also sell cool drinks and other beverages. I was about to go order something for myself, but then I hesitated. Again, thinking and forgetting if the drinks are free.
   At this moment, Sandie came up to my direction to get something from her purse. I told Sandie that I'm going to get myself something and asked if the drinks at this hut are free. She confirms they are and requested that I also get her something. I ordered a Daquiri and a drink that involves Banana in it. Once I got the drinks, I gave one of the cups to Sandie. She took a sip, then set it on a round table under a beach umbrella. Sandie then went back to the game. I stood and watch for a few minutes, sipping my drink. It does tasted like a banana and is served cold. Wondering if time has passed, I took out my phone. It's only about 11 am. Almost lunch hour.

   As I put my phone back in my pocket, I had missed seeing Jorgen hurting himself and had to go sit on a beach chair with a few people helping him. A resort employee came rushing over with a First-Aid kit. I, too, went over to see what's going on. When I got to the crowd, I saw that Jorgen accidentally either hit his foot or stepped on something in the sand. The staff quickly wiped the blood and covered the wound with a large band-aid to stop the bleeding. It is likely that Jorgen may have to sit out, if he can't continue being able to play. I then had a brief conversation with Jorgen to see if he's alright. Also, he's going back home to Argentine soon, which is where he moved to from Norway with his wife (I think around this time was before he was married), so he has to leave for the airport, while most of us stay longer at the resort. I told him that if he ever does visit Canada, especially Toronto, we can catch up again.
   After Volleyball, I went to go eat lunch with everyone in my family. Sebastien's family, Bao's sister, Minh, and Anthony also joined us. We all sat and ate together at Embers, which is one of the places that is open for lunch. Since this was so long ago, I think ordered one of the Pizzas or a Embers Cheese Burger, can't exactly remember. When we were done, Sandie wanted us all to go to the deck at the beach where everyone is signing for tubing. About 3 to 5 people sit down in a round life raft or a large, cylinder tube where people sit down, line up behind the other person and holding on to the handles tightly while people controlling the boat pull you around.
   And I think the main objective is that you have to try not to fall off as the boat ride goes at a quick speed. I started getting nervous as we got in line to sign up. Once it's settled, the lady in the booth directed us to go around the corner to where all the life jackets are. We all look for ones that fit us and put them on. Sandie helped me with tightening my life jacket after she did hers. While watching different people ride on the cylinder tube, being pulled around in the water, some family that were together started talking to us about how the deck is packed with people and that many have signed up. After talking to them, I learned that the family is from New York, presumably the state. We then told them that we are from Ontario, which the two borders each other.

   Finally, it was our turn to go on one of the floats. Sandie and I walked up to where other people were getting off an inflatable, large cylinder float. We're getting ready to climb on, along with Tina, Sebastien, Vince, Vicky, possibly Nathan and Cynthia joining. Since one float only has 8 handles to hold on to, the rest of our friends and guests had to wait on the deck or go on another float. I sat on the 7th spot with Sandie behind me and the other 6 were in front. Once we all climbed aboard, we were pulled away from the shore by a boat. I looked back and saw Anne-Marie standing with her family, Anthony and Minh and the other people watching us. I turned around again when the boat picked up speed.
   It suddenly got very bumpy and everyone was trying to avoid falling off. I gripped the handle tightly while I was bouncing up and down, even though my hand was feeling a bit sore. I still didn't let go. The boat pulling us went us went in a circle and everyone screamed as water splashed on our faces. As we went in another circle, I could see the beach of our resort in the distance. We're really far away! After a few minutes, the boat started taking us back to shore -- though it got bumpy on the way. Everyone's laughter abrupted after that. Finally, we made it back. Or, rather, closer to the shore. Since the people in charge of the boat have to turn the float around in a U-turn for other people to climb on, all ten of us have to get off by going into the water. Sandie and I hold hands and together, we jumped into the water. To my surprise, this area was kind of deep as I didn't feel the bottom. We rose back up and saw everyone else has already jumped into the water. We all swam together to shore and made our way back to the deck where our stuffs are.
"How was it?" Minh asked Sandie and I, "was it fun?" She and Anthony are about to go on next.
"Oh yeah, it was." Sandie told her, as she grabbed her towel. "It was a bit bumpy, though.

Minh laughed, then hurried after Anthony to go on the next ride as me, Sandie and the people we went with, stayed to watch.

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