A Nice Dinner

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    Sebastien greeted them as they came in to Dragonfly. "Hey guys, you're all just in time!" He shook hands and embraced with each people that greeted him. Sandie did as well.

"Hi, we're so glad you all made it!" Sandie said to a couple she welcomed and shook hands with.

Then they moved aside as more people came up to Sandie as she welcomed them. Next, Sandie ushered few of the guests over to my family's table and we all sat up as she introduced them to us. I said hi to them and learned that 3 or 4 of the people I just met are friends with Sebastien from Princeton University. Jorgen (name is pronounced Yoor-ghin), who was from Norway, Chase, who lives in the US but I can't remember where, and there's Ali and Cami, who live in Kenya. After greeting Sebastien's friends and the other guests, we all sat down and pretty much chatted with each other. Cami and Ali sat down at my table, next to Minh. There are three sections - the starters, the main course and then the desserts. We get the option of choosing one food with the other. For example, On the top, there's Caribbean Garden Salad served in a Roti Shell or Tomato Mozzarella with Poached Shrimp or Melon and Honey Glazed Ham. And in the next section below, there is Beef Strip Loin served on a Red Wine Sauce with Mashed Potato and Local Garden Vegetables or Mahi Mahi, which I have no clue what it was, served on a bed of Garden Spinach with Boiled Potato Champagne Sauce, and the other option is Grilled Chicken Breast served with Pineapple Sauce, Pickled Vegetables and Seasoned Rice. These sound pretty good. The one I went for was the Beef Strip Loin with the Mashed Potato, since I like eating potatoes. 

    I continued scanning up and down the menu when Cami asked me if I knew what I want to eat. I told her. Then we started having a conversation and asking each other about our lives. She and I really got into the conversation and are socializing when out in the corner of my eye, I noticed more people coming, so I turned around. It's the wedding guests that arrived from Montreal! Sebastien's family - Yvan and Elisabeth, his parents, Vincent, his younger brother and his girlfriend Vicky are here! The guests that were already sitting at their tables got up and went to greet them. Everyone sitting at my table, including myself, got up as well. The guests from Ontario shook hands with the guests from Quebec. There's also hugging and cheek kissing, where you lean in, go from left to right. Elisabeth gave Tina a nice hug before they both did a cheek kiss. Then Elisabeth gave Sandie and Sebastien a hug. I just stood right where I am, waiting for my turn to say hi. Vicky gave Sebastien and Sandie a hug after Elisabeth did and saw me.

"Hi Anthony!" Vicky greet me with a smile.

"Hello Vicky!" I said, happy to see her, since I met her the first time when my family and Sebastien's family were together on a cruise. She and I wrapped our arms around each other into a hug. Then Vincent came up behind Vicky and said hi to me as well. I said hi back, then he and I embraced. "How are you doing, Vicky?"

"Good, thank you." Vicky responded.

Then I turned my attention back to Vince. "How was the flight? Was it okay?"

"Yeah, of course. It wasn't too bad." Vincent said.

Next up, Elisabeth finally came up to me, happy to see me. "Hi Anthony, how are you?"

"Hello Elisabeth! I'm doing well. How are you?" I asked her.

"Good, thanks." She then proceeded to give me a nice hug also, then we did a cheek kiss. After that, she turned to Sebastien and they started briefly talking to each other in French. Sebastien pointed to the empty tables located in the far end of the restaurant. If you guys don't know, those tables are pushed together to make one long table. That's where the Montreal guests will be sitting for dinner. Finally, it was time to order food. A few waitresses came to each of our tables. Everyone was talking to each other and having a good time.

   When our small dish of food came, everyone first ate the appetizers while waiting for our main dishes. As everyone at my table was talking to each other, I was pretty much sitting quietly, trying to listen to the conversations while eating. I was just eating and trying to devour my tomato mozzarella. Few minutes later after we all ate our appetizers, our main dish arrived. I had Beef Strip Loin served on a Red Wine sauce with Mashed Potatoes.

As we were all eating our dinner, Tina, who was sitting across from me, asked me, "how is your food? Is it good?"

"Yeah, it is." I nodded as I was chewing on a small bite. "It's juicy too!"

Tina held out her fork. "Can I try a piece?"

Moving my cup of water out of the way, I slid my plate across the table to Tina, so that she could sample by food. She jabbed her fork into one end of my beef, then cut it up with her knife. She dipped the beef into the Red Wine sauce, took a bite of the piece on her fork and then returned my plate back to me. "Thank you."

   When everyone at my table was finished eating, I just noticed my brother Tuan and sister in-law Bao getting up from their seats, with Tuan carrying Elizabeth in his arms. they started leaving the table. As Bao head out of the restaurant, Tuan first stopped at where my mom was sitting, tells her something, then followed Bao out the door as my mom waved to my niece. Seeing them leave made me wonder where they were off to. Just then, Sandie and Sebastien started walking to the centre of the room and told everyone that they wanted to make a group picture. Everyone sat up and walked over to them.

Sandie and Sebastien both directed the wedding guests to go over and stand together by one section of the restaurant's railing to get ready for the photo. I stood beside Vince and Vicky as they are standing next to everyone else. Sandie quickly ran in on the other end to prepare for the picture and called Sebastien to come in as well. He gave his camera to a waitress and went to join Sandie. We all stood together, smiling as the waitress and the two wedding photographers took our pictures. They decided to take one more shots, so we kept still. Finally, everyone dispersed and went back to their seats.

   After dinner is done, most of the guests went down to the bar to chat and few others went to look around the beach. I chatted with Vicky and Vince for a little bit when we're standing near the bar. When I talk to Vicky, I have to talk slowly and enunciate my words due to her not being able to understand English fluently. Vince on the other hand, can be able to understand English like Sebastien does, so he is able to carry a conversation. I asked them how were things back in Quebec and even showed them that I saw a bunch of lights all the way across the sea in the dark. We concluded that it may be city lights and that whatever country or island that is is close to St. Lucia. Minutes later, a few of the guests started getting tired and went to their suites as the others stay behind. Tina and I headed back up to our suite since it is now getting late.

  We went to our side of the suite, Tina tapped her key card on our door and we entered. If you guys have forgotten, I will say a quick reminder.  The room with me, Tina, and my mom are in are connected to where Tuan, Bao and Elizabeth are. Our suite has two doors each to leave and enter. When we went in, I saw my mom laying in her bed and Tina's, reading a newspaper. I stopped and looked out the door that goes to the living room and Kitchen. Across from us, Tuan and Bao's double doors are closed, meaning they are asleep. Tina and I began getting ready for bed, so we started by taking turns brushing our teeth. Next, we went to change our clothes. Looking around the bedroom, I noticed that my own luggage isn't here. So I tried to look through my mom's, hoping that I have some of my clothes packed in there. To my dismay, not one of my clothes are in my mom's suitcase! 

   I wondered where my clothes and my suitcase are. I asked my mom. Right away, she got out of bed and double checked. When she was done, my mom told me she also does not have a clue where they are. My mom told Tina about this and then asked her if she knows. Tina concluded that my suitcase may be at my dad's suite. Because it is really late, my mom told me to just wear what I have on and I can go get my luggage tomorrow. As I got in to bed, my mom rummaged through a backpack, looking for something. Finally, she found whatever it was and gave it to me. It's one of my white t-shirt that I wear to sleep! I forgot that I placed it in a backpack instead of in my suitcase, since it was needed. At least I have a top to change out of for bed.

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