11 - Tis the Damn Season

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| Tis the Damn Season |

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| Tis the Damn Season |

It was one week until Christmas, and spirits were high and jolly in all of Hogwarts. The house elves were making the slow transition of slipping in holiday foods into meals. Trees were popping up in the corners of halls every other day, filled with lights and powdered with magical snow.

    Around the 1940s, the traditional red and green Christmas decorations and colours were removed, seeing as Gryffindor and Slytherin students took it as a sign of their superiority over other houses. That is why, since then, the Hogwarts castle was instead decorated in an ethereal white.

    The Gryffindors were chosen to help decorate the castle this year, seeing as Slytherin was chosen the year before. Although it was officially the Gryffindor's turn, many Hufflepuffs volunteered to help with their Gryffindor friends.

"Diggory! Just a bit to the right, mate!" yelled Sirius, wearing a red and green sweater (the only occasion he would wear green). Diane was sprinkling snow on everything, trees, bunting, ornaments, a few Slytherins, and Lily's hair.

"Supera Nivemo," she muttered the snow incantation for the tenth time, focusing on letting it fall on the tip of the tree. Lily was making small glass ornaments, a newfound talent of hers, to hang on trees on a desk a few feet away. Lizzie was chatting up a Hufflepuff, Diane noticed and shook her head in amusement. Marlene and Mary, a duo who always seemed to be together nowadays, were helping Sirius with the bunting. Peter was nibbling on Christmas cookies the elves made, while supervising the Hufflepuffs who were decorating the trees.

Remus walked to where his friends were working, holding a huge plate with 10 mugs of hot chocolate, struggling to keep them from slipping of the plate. Just then James ran towards them, stopping to kneel down and catch his breath.

Diane smirked in amusement, "Where were you, Prongs?"

"Oh, just chatting with a certain Snape, the usual,"

"Oh yes, of course, Jamsie!" mocked Sirius, walking up from behind James and putting an arm around his shoulder. He turned around when someone tapped his own shoulder.

"Hot chocolate, Black?" Remus asked shyly, cheeks dusted pink and his hand outstretched with a cup of steaming hot chocolate. Sirius was flabbergasted, his face showing nothing but. He blinked slowly and then took the cup from Remus' hand.

"Thanks, mate," he smiled bashfully.

Remus nodded, a small grin on his face as he turned and walked away to give the girls their hot chocolate. Sirius turned towards James and Diane with an excited grin that spread from ear to ear.

"Awww! That was so bloody cute!" cooed Diane.

"Shhh, Lynx! Don't shout, you're embarrassing ickle Sirius!" joked James.

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