Conversion disorder

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So if you read the last chapter, you know my sister is in the hospital. She was ticking a lot and it looked like she had Tourette's. Thankfully she doesn't. She still hasn't gotten back from the hospital, but my dad texted saying the doctors said it was "Conversion Disorder". It's a disorder caused by stressed. My sister is diagnosed with anxiety, depression, and now CD. It can lead to ticking and a lot of other things. Whether she knew it or not, she was really stressed and her body just couldn't handle it anymore. It is treatable and I'll be working on re-doing the last chapter tomorrow. She is fine, but I'm still very very concerned for her well-being. Thanks for reading this if you did. I appreciate it and writing this out really helped me when I was freaking out for her. Buh-bye! 💜💜💜

Catara; Princess of the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now