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Jay came with me today to search in the Empty Crystal Fields. I don't know what I'm searching for, but maybe it'll help me.

"Catra what exactly are we doing here?" Jay asks. She flys around me instead of walking.

"Catara made me see her past, and now I have to figure out...figure out...I DON'T KNOW! Something?" I think back about what she said. "She said this was a dangerous place. They warned her about it. She had said to me, only the real and true princess can save a poor soul. I think I'm supposed to figure out what happened."

"I am very lost."

"I saw Catara when she was young in this field. She accidentally touched a crystal and she became the princess. Then later they were chasing her and she touched the same crystal and it looked like she melted into it. They stole it and it lost its color. No one knows where it is now. Same with her castle."

"Maybe she means you, the real and true princess, can save her. We need to find that crystal and help her!"

I scoff. "I'll admit it. I'm a princess, but not for long. I'm not the real one or the true one. This is only temporary until we get Catara back. I'm just a fill-in."

"So you do admit it!"

"No I don't!" She starts flying so that I can't reach her. I start swatting at her, knowing it's pointless.

"You're a cat! Aren't you supposed to hunt me for a living?" She taunts me. I growl and keep searching for nothing in particular. All I need is something peculiar. Something that seems right, but a little off.

Something catches my eye. They're foot prints! But they look like they belong to a very large frog. And there's only two sets of them. And then they disappear. Jay notices I'm staring at them.

"Catra what are you looking at?" She asks. I point to what I'm looking at and she still doesn't see it. "Catra I don't-"

"Frog prints! They're pretty large, though."

"I still can't-oh now I see them. Those are very large for a regular frog."

I look closely and see that Catara didn't do such a great job covering up the prints. There are more frog prints that start leading in the same direction. Jay starts to follow me as I keep finding more footprints.

After a while of looking, the footprints just stop. But something seems a little off about all of this.

There's a whole trail of footprints that just stop and lead to nowhere? That's not right. There has to be something that explains this.

I start looking around the area and I really don't see anything. I can't believe I walked all the way here for nothing. What a waste of time.

And then I see it.

Sorry I know this chapter's pretty short but I wanted to leave you guys on a cliff hanger ;) I'll try to update again soon!

Catara; Princess of the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now