Catra's Panic Attack

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Y'all I really REALLY tried on this one. Like. REALLY tried. Pls tell me if you like it, it took me a long time :)


I'm walking to Merimista's room to check on Princess. We all know how Mermista can be.

I see the door closing and a wing pokes out before it closes completely. Uh oh. That can't be good. Unless Seahawk became a little more hawk-y.

I creep up to her room and open the door just a crack. I see a lady with wings and who I think is Catra. I'm not sure because she looks a little different. She has two red streaks in her hair and she's wearing something different than usual. There's something different from the vibe she used to give. I can't put my finger on it.

Next thing I know, she starts talking to the cats.

I make sure not to make a sound while closing the door and run to Adora.

I bump into her in her room. I didn't think she'd be right next to the door.

"Bow! Hey-" she starts, but I cut her off.

"Adora!" I notice Glimmer in the room too. "Glimmer! I think Catra broke in with another person! She's talking to the cat." I can tell Adora's about to say something but I cut her off again. "Just come with me."

I drag them to Mermista's room, but they're gone. And there's another cat, that looks sort of like Princess's sibling or parent. I hear their voices in the hallway and drag them there.


"Bow was right. Catra's here,"  I say to myself. She looks different from before. She's wearing a two-shaded red jumpsuit, red nails, and she has two red strands in her hair. She broke in and left a cat here? That doesn't seem like Catra.

She turns around and so does her new partner. Catra's eyes widen.

"Damnit!" the bird girl says.

Catra starts shaking and breathing heavily. Her ears start twitching. She backs up slowly until she hits a wall. She slides down it. Eyes still wide and breathing still heavy.

"Catra?" I ask. I'm about to ask if she's okay, but Glimmer speaks first.

"What were you doing in Mermista's room?" Glimmer asks her angrily. She just keeps doing what she's doing.

I'm about to walk up to her, but Birdie's a step ahead of me.

"Catra," she says, shaking her. "Catra, it's gonna be okay. Just breathe." Catra doesn't respond. "Urg! CATARA DO SOMETHING!!!" she yells angrily.

Catra starts crying and shaking her head. Bird looks up at us angrily.

"Look what you've done! Another panic attack!" she yells at us.

"Panic attack?" I ask.

"Why are you here?" Glimmer asks.

"Why do you care? You're just going to kill us anyways."

"Tell us or you die!"

"Glimmer," Bow whispers. "No."

"I'm not actually going to do anything!" she whispers back.

"Over my dead body it is," the girl says. 

Glimmer starts fighting with the blue bird. Bow starts walking in the direction of Catra. She swipe a hand to the side, protecting her face as if she's ready for a hit. Bow stumbles to the side, almost hitting Glimmer. He puts a hand to his cheek.

"Ow!" he looks at his hand. It's covered in blood.

The girl looks at him and her eyes widen.

"Oh no. No no no no no," she says. She runs to Catra. "A little help, Catara?" 

Who is Catara?

Glimmer swings at her again.

I don't take my eyes off of Catra.

Catra's about to block her face with her other hand, but Bow shoots a net bow first. She's not really affected. Something cuts the back of the net, because the net falls forward. She doesn't make another move to attack.

I can finally will my feet to move. I run to Catra.

"Catra! Catra, are you okay?" she starts breathing heavier and shaking more. Her arms clasp around her knees. "Catra, it's just me, Adora." she starts to cry more.

The blue bird girl yanks me off of her. 

"It's you," she says in disgust.

"It'" I ask confused.

"What could you possibly have done to make her like this?!?" she yells.

"I didn't make her like this!"

She growls and walks over to Catra.

"Catra it's Jay." No response. "Catra!" She looks like she's thinking of something. Glimmer tries to charge at her, but I hold her back. "Catra you are not a bad friend!" Her hands loosen from her legs and her shaking slows. She looks a little more aware to the scene now. Jay puts her hands on Catra's face. "YOU ARE NOT A BAD FRIEND!" Catra looks fully aware now and she looks at Jay. She's still crying and shaking just a bit. "I wouldn't be here if you were a bad friend." Catra looks like she's going to object but she stops herself.

She gently shifts her head, making Jay's hands drop. She closes her eyes and stands up, wiping her tears. When her eyes open, I notice she's back to the Catra an the battlefield. She walks up to Glimmer, but doesn't look at her.

She puts a hand to her shoulder and shoves it as she says, "Move it, Sparkles."

"Catra-" I start, but Jay bumps into me purposefully, making me stop.

"Save it," she says. "You've done enough already."

They walk out of the castle while Glimmer calls Angela. 

Catara; Princess of the HybridsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ