Catching the Cat

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GUYS!!! I'm almost at 1,000 views!!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!! Anyways, here's the chapter.

I think I know the way back to Jay's house, but I'm not totally sure. Maybe I took a wrong turn but oh well. Suddenly, someone turns me around. It's just Jay.

She slaps me. "What the hell?"

I rub my cheek and say, "What do you mean what the hell? I should be telling you what the hell! What the hell, Jay! Why did you slap me?"

"Why did you run off without telling me?" She crosses her arms, waiting for me to tell her something.

"I was trying to learn more about Catara and the hidden castle and hybrids! I knew you wouldn't approve!" I realize that I'm yelling. I try to bring my tone down a little bit, but it doesn't work too well. "I don't even need your approval! But I do because if you kick me out, where am I supposed to go? Brightmoon? Jay, I should get to do what I want."

She frowns. "Come on. Let's go home."

I follow her and we slowly walk home. We don't talk, in fear that another argument might start up. We just walk until we get home.


Glimmer, Bow, and I are making our way to Bow's dads' library. We want to see the new book dedicated to Bow that they wrote.

Bow and Glimmer are laughing and being all couple-y. I don't see why people feel the need to be in a relationship. I'm just fine being by myself! I don't need a man! I don't need someone to joke with me and make me laugh when I'm sad and watch the sun set and eat with me and-

"Adora?" Glimmer asks. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

I'm not crying, am I? I wipe a tear from my cheek to check. Dammit I am crying!

"Shut up!" I say. Glimmer and Bow exchange a worried look and begin their cheesy antics again. I growl in my head.

We arrive at the library and only one of Bow's dads is here. "Hi George!" I say. He smiles and waves.

"Oh Bow! Your friend...Catara! That's her name! Your friend Catara came over yesterday! She was a delight. She even liked my drink!" George says gleefully.

"Dad, I don't know-" Bow starts, but I remember the bird girl saying the name Catara when they broke in.

I cut him off. We can use this to our advantage. "We don't know why you didn't tell us! She's, like, one of our best friends!" Bow and Glimmer stare at me like I'm crazy. "You should tell us the next time she's here and we'll hop on over! You know, she's really busy and we don't get to see her too often so it'll be a blast!" I know I'm not good at lying. I probably just blew the whole thing. Then again, It's Bow's dad.

"Oh I didn't think of that! I'll make sure to tell you guys so we can all have fun and read!"

Glimmer pulls me aside. "What was that?" She whispers to me. "We don't know anyone named Catara!"

"But we will soon. I've heard the name before and I want to meet her. I'm pretty sure she's not good news," I whisper back.

"What if he tells her that we're coming and she never comes back?"

I stare at her for a second. I didn't think of that. "Give me one second."

"Hey George!" I say. He looks over. "Don't tell her when you invite us. We want it to be a surprise visit!"

He smiles widely. "No problem!"

Hopefully next time, we'll catch her before she leaves.

Sorry y'all I've just been so lazy lately. I know it's a short chapter, I was working on my 12 missing assignments 🥲 I'll try to update again soon!!!

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