Goodbye Mom

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"Hop in?" I ask in disbelief. "Are you serious? That's water, there is no way I-" Two hands push my back, making me fall in. "AAAAAH!" Water splashes all around the pool.

"If we're going to be the only hybrids, we've gotta be clean, right?" Jay jokes.

A wave of realization hits me. "I know a couple of hybrids."

"You do?"

"Yeah...Scorpia and Rogelio..." Scorpia is a hybrid with a scorpion. Rogelio's a lizard.

"Really! Can you bring them here?"

I open my mouth and close it again. "They...left me."

"Why'd they leave you?"

I start crying. "I'm a bad friend."

She's silent for a minute. "You know, most people wouldn't trust a stranger they just met as much as you do."

I wipe my tears. "I could say the same to you."

She smirks. "Touche."

I claw at the grass, trying to climb out of the pool. Jay starts flying in the air. Of course. I've known her for less than a day and she already wants to leave.

But no. She swoops down towards me and picks me up with her beak and claws. She drops me gently outside the pool.

"Now you're ready for training!" she exclaims.

"I'm soaking wet," I growl.

"You'll dry off during training." I roll my eyes. "Well first things first, you need to transform into Catara again." I nod. Neither of us do anything for a little while. "Well..."

"I don't exactly know how to...transform."

"How? You did it a while ago."

"I DIDN'T REALLY KNOW I HAD TO PAY ATTENTION!" I yell. "I'M A TINY CAT HYBRID, AND SHE'S SOME SORT OF ALL-POWERFUL FELINE PRINCESS!!!" she stays quiet, not as stunned this time. I lower my voice. "Do you really expect me to know how to be her?"

Jay sighs. "That's why we're training. So you can learn."

I nod. "Okay."

"You just need to try for now, okay"


I just need to try.

"Uuuuuh...CATARA!" nothing happens.

"I'm afraid of myself?"

What did Adora do? DON'T think about Adora.

"In the..honor...of Gravestone, what the hell?"

I sigh. What did Catara do?

I touch my head where she touched it, closing my eyes. I'm almost there, I can feel it. Something's holding me back.

"Catara," a voice calls. It's...Catara. "Catra. Daughter I'm sorry. I know this isn't what you wanted. But I choose you. Now it's your choice whether you fulfill your destiny or not." She holds out her hand and multiple images pop up.

Adora, She-ra, Glimmer, Pretty Boy, Scorpia, the Horde, Entrapta, Double Trouble, Shadow Weaver, The whole Rebellion.

"You must cut all ties. These memories are holding you back."

I look down at my hand and there's a pair of silver shiny scissors sitting in it.

I drop them.

"No," I say. "I won't push the memories away. They hurt. They sting. But I'm afraid of myself. Those memories remind me not to be the same person. Without them, all of my mistakes will repeat. They remind me of what happens when you choose to be the person I was. I want to be better. I want to be the Catara that I'm supposed to be. But I am not a princess."

Shed smiles. "Catra you're going to be great. I can tell I made the right choice." She starts crying. "I'm going to miss you so so much. Visit some time?" I nod and try to smile reassuringly. "You must go now." She starts to fade and my sight starts to come back. "I love you," she whispers.

My sight is normal now. Tears are in my eyes now.


I fall to my knees and I instantly know that I transformed.

"No way," Jay whispers.

I clear my throat and stand up. "I'm ready to train."

Catara; Princess of the HybridsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora