Chapter 2

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As Jung Kook approaches, I give him an awkward smile.

"That was amazing," he says through his bunny smile.

My smile widens and bow in thanks.

My instructor also comes up to me and congratulates me on my hard work and dedication. "It's not easy, but you're ready," he sighs.

My instructor pats my back and walks out of the practice room.

It turns out everyone must have been impressed (I don't really know why, they must have seen better before) because they're all complimenting me on their way out.

Once the crowd has left, I'm with Jung Kook, who's still standing in front of me and a bewildered Jimin in the back.

"Do you guys need my help... or..?" I ask, a little bit nervous.

"Oh, no. Sorry," Jung Kook chuckles and walks to the door. "Jimin? You coming?"

Jimin simply nods before scurrying off with Jung Kook.

Heh.... odd encounter. On the bright side, I've finally proven that I can successfully work on my own choreo. And hopefully, my own songs soon.

*Time skip*

By 3pm, I've finally finished today's lesson on interpersonal skills and training. I'm let out for the day. But I still stick around at the label.

Like usual, I don't have many plans. Besides of course, more practicing on my own time. And since I signed the contract where I chose to leave my friends and family, I don't really have anyone to hang out with.

On rare occasions, I'll have a brief conversation with some of the members of BTS or other idols, but I'm still left with plenty of time to fill.

Sooooo, I started my own anonymous blog. It's kinda breaching some of my contract rules... but other people have done much worse and still kept their contract.

My blog is my outlet to write reviews and opinions.  I write about food to politics and jewelry to photography. My post for today's was on Martial Arts.

I discussed what I liked about it. I wrote about the social aspect, the competitiveness, the self discipline and self defense. There are things I don't like as well, so I wrote about that. (*You can fill in the specific details yourself, it's YOUR blog after all.*)

When I got to the point of finally clicking the 'post' button, I sat back in and let out a deep sigh. I realise it's getting late. Street lights are flicking on, casting a glow onto the concrete sidewalks. The sun was starting to set into a beautiful red and orange glow. I guess that's my cue to leave.

While I gathered my belongings, I heard a chorus of voices approaching from behind me. I peeked over my shoulder and saw that all members of BTS were back there.

When I saw them, I turned around and immediately fell into a deep bow.

I stayed there for a few seconds until I heard a pointed cough.

That's when I saw Jung Hoeseok's heart shaped smile. 

"You're here pretty late, Y/N," j-hope said through his smile.

"Oh yeah, "I replied. "I was just... working on some stuff."

"We're headed out for some refreshments," RM chimed in. "You wanna join us?"


"Oh, I don't want to intrude..." I said hesitantly and fiddled with my hands.

"Nonsense," RM said.

"A-alright then, I'll tag along." 

I couldn't hide my smile.

***Author's note: I'm somewhat familiar with Korean standards and customs when it comes to respect. But if I happen to write anything remotely incorrect, please let me know so I can correct it. I would hate to offend or hurt anyone. As of this point, this is unedited. It was last updated March 24th, 2021.***

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