Chapter 4

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We all spend most of the day putting together some amazing work that I'll be using for my debut. I guess we all worked well together, because we all kept spit balling off each other's idea.

Everyone in the room applauded my creativity and determination while we cleared things up for the day. I was proud of myself.

I decided to walk home that night to gather inspiration from the world around me. I sure did. I had several new ideas that all related to the side of the road. I had some more on hillside flowers, and a few others thanks to people that passed by me as I skipped along.

I get home and open the door, feeling pleased. And then I step in and I reach for the nearest metal object. I see shadows of people in my dorm.

"Surprise!" They all yell.

I slump a bit. It's just them.

I throw the metal thing at them anyways. It hits V's leg. He lets out a little "ow".

"First of all," I start, "don't ever do that again." I fan my hands out, gesturing to them. "Secondly, what are you all doing here?"

"We're all impressed with your work thus far considering everything and thought we'd congratulate you," Suga says, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Thanks?" I say wearily.

I'm about to bow just out of habit when j-hope 'coughs' telling me I don't have to.

"Since you've all shown up uninvited, can I offer you some tap water? Cup your hands and you should be able to drink from them." Was that too saucy of me?

Instead of commenting further, the maknae line unanimously holds up bags with take out and alcohol.

I guess I'm not the hostess in my own home. I shrug and waddle over to see what they have.

Just as the night before, we laugh, we talk, we eat and drink. Although, this time we lose track of how much drinking we do. I can't tell if I've had only one drink or 10. But I know I'm gonna feel it in the morning.

The last thing I remember was commenting on how pretty the tiny stars were with the big white moon casting a glow into my dorm.

*Time skip to 9am... again*

My stupid alarm goes off. I instinctively grab my throbbing head and shut off the damn alarm. 

As I reach over to turn off the alarm, I feel some tension in my blankets. They seem stuck. I roll over to pull them out and see... Jung Kook.

Beside me, naked as I am painfully aware... lays Jung Kook looking just as bewildered as I feel.

Both of our eyes are wide. 

I swallow. "What... are you doing in my bed." I start to pull my blankets up as high as I can to cover my shame.

He shakes his head. "I can't remember," he whispers.

While he speaks a deep red creeps up his face. He's obviously imagining the worst. I am too.

"We don't know for su-" I start but get cut off as a panicked Jimin busts through the door.

"There you guys are!" He says out of breath. "We have... gotta... go..."

Jimin is now also clearly imagining what went down between Jung Kook and I. Then his gaze becomes fixated on me.

"Y/N," Jimin says quietly, "You do realise that your blanket isn't... covering... you"

Now it's my turn to blush.

I immediately curl up under my covers.

NOPE! Nope nope nope. That just makes it worse.

I still SEE things under here.

So I accidentally scream.

"HOLY SHIT!!" I scream amongst other things.

I peep my head out of the blankets and ask Jimin to leave. He does so instantly.

"What the hell was that for, Y/N?!" Jung Kook demands.

"You've seen things, now I've seen things." I explain with a shudder.

His eyes start to dart around the room trying to find his clothes.

"I'll make this simple." I say. "I'll close my eyes. You can get up and get your clothes on. Then make your way out."

His grunt and bouncing of my bed as his weight lifted off was his response.

After some shifting and shuffling, he finds his clothes. Once he gives me the ok I cautiously open my eyes.

I feel wayyyyy to frazzled and shaken to get up and get ready. But I do.


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