Chapter 11

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My home is nothing like I remember.

It's a mess. A mess is an understatement.

Drawers are jaggedly ajar, pots and pans stacked like dominoes line the floor.

Couch cushions are everywhere an nowhere.

My bathroom is shredded and leaking water and too many beauty products to count.

No matter how bad I thought the rest of my home was, my bedroom was worse.

My bed sheets were spread across my room in piles. The mattress was  propped up against a wall. My dresser drawers were heaved in broken piles and the contents within strewn elsewhere. The nightstands that used to stand so proudly beside my bed were now tipped and broken.

Wait. They did take something. There are three things I care for more in this world than anything else. My phone, my lyric binder and my laptop. I didn't see the latter two.

I rushed over to where I had them stored. My nightstand. They were gone.

"Dammit..." I whisper.

"What's wrong?" Jung Kook asks.

"They fucking took my lifeline!" I scream, anger burning in me.


"All my work, my songs and notes and my laptop."

"Did you have it backed up."

"No! I was waiting for my newest hard drive to arrive so I could back up all my stuff."

I look around for where my other hard drives were kept. The hard drives that stored all the information on my laptop. And other personal information. It's gone.

"And they took my fucking hard drives. Dammit!"

I kick at the broken furniture. Bad idea. 

"Fuck that hurt!"

I sit down and cradle my foot in my hand.

I sit there for a few moments before I grab a suitcase and hastily pack away clothes and such.

"What's this?" Jung Kook asks, holding up a small hardcover book.

"That's my journal. At least they didn't take that."

He open it.


I run over to him and snatch it out of his hands.

He laughs a bit. "Don't worry I was just messing with ya."

I glare at him and then pack my journal away into my bag.

The next 45 minutes go by soundlessly. I pack up what I need into three small suitcases. Funny to think that's all my life is. Small little boxes. With each passing minute, tears come closer and closer to falling.

"Kook, I'm ready to go," I say mentally exasperated.

 "You don't want to say goodbye to your apartment first?" he asks.

"Yes. Actually I do."

I go to each room for its services and wish it well. By the time I'm done that and at my front door, I'm a sobbing mess.

"G-goodbye apartment. I'll miss you."

Jung Kook pats my back. "You're not leaving forever. Just until we find who did this."

"I know. I just feel violated and ashamed for leaving."

"You shouldn't. Now let's go."

On our walk out I sigh. "How will I ever pay you back?"

"You can pay me back with your bod- nevermind. I can't make that joke right." He scratches his head and turns away with a slight blush on his face.

I blush too.


We make it to Jung Kook's apartment. Although, it's not an apartment. It's a condo. The penthouse of this condominium. Rich bastard.

"Here we are." He says as we step in.

I step in and my jaw falls to the floor. It's so beautiful I may just cry again. Clean white lines. Dark, hardwood floors. Floor to ceiling windows. 12ft ceilings.

"Holy shit..." I say under my breath.

"I have been told I have good taste." Jung Kook replies to my slip up.

We walk further into the grand expanse of a house and he gives me a tour.

"Now Y/N. I'm being very serious now." He turns and looks at me with the most serious expression I've seen on him. "What's mine is yours. Don't be shy. And if you need anything, just ask."

I swallow and nod. "Yessir."

He huffs a laugh and shakes his head.

"There are two bedrooms. This one is yours."

He leads me into a room that was triple the size of my room. A king sized, four poster bed centered in the middle of this room. On it's right side was a wall purely made of glass window. It offered a crystal clear view of the bustling city below. On the left of the room was an ensuite and huge walk in closet. More of a shopping mall. I've been in boutiques smaller than this closet.

"At least make my pay rent." I beg him.

"Fine. But not with money. I'll only accept payment in the form of food and company."

"You have a deal." 

I hold out my hand to shake on it. He takes my hand and the deal is struck.

Before I can retract my hand, he pulls me into his embrace. His arms wrap around me in a big bear hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok, Y/N," he says into my hair.

"Y-yeah, me too." I say back.

"You have no idea how scared I was," he continues, his hands wrapped up in my tangled hair. "No idea..."

We stood there for a few minutes. Him hugging me close and me rubbing his back with my hand to keep him calm.

Then he sniffled and walked off. 

"I'll let you settle in," he said over his shoulder.

A/N: Just want to mention that during that hug, they're both still in their clothes from the previous night. I think that's cute. I also think kookie is cute- wait what.

Mark Lee in the background: oH dUdE hE's FLiRtiNG.

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