Chapter 9

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"Hey!" I turn around and see.... Jung Kook.

A very drunk one at that.

"What are you doing here, Kook?" I ask instead of hitting him, which I really want to do.

"Partying and drinking, obviously," he scoffs drunkenly as if it was obvious.

"Nice. Very classy."

"How is my fuck buddy doing?"

He slinks his way up to my face. I can taste the alcohol on his breath.

"Back it up before you got nothing left to fuck with..." I say quietly, eyeing his groin area.

I wave him off before heading inside.

Once I get back in, I'd rather Jung Kook's drunken company than this madness.

Everyone is huddled together in one area of tables and chairs.

"Does everyone know how body shots work?" One very drunken man asks, his tie and suit askew.

Which very drunken man? Well it's the life of the party of course, Jackson Wang.

Everyone responds with shoots, screams and whoops.

People then break up into smaller groups. Like some kind of wild orgy. And I don't want any part of it. I keep my distance and just watch.

A couple of seconds pass before Jackson notices me. "Y/N!" he calls out.

His enthusiasm was enough for everyone else to turn around as well. Yippee.

"Come join in! Here, drink off me!" Jackson yells overly excitedly while holding up shot glasses.

Next thing I know I'm thrown into the middle of a crowd of idols whom I wished to get to know other different circumstances. Now I'm expected to seductively drink off this half naked man.

Begrudgingly, I get up to the table Jackson has laid himself down on. Some other people giggle to themselves as they position the shot glasses on various parts of him. One shot in his mouth, one on his chest, one balanced on his belly button.... and the winner positioned on the wiener. Oh, joy.

Let's just get this over with I think to myself and shake my head.

I move my hair out of my face and and approach Jackson with a smirk playing at my lips. He just winks.

I take the one at his lips first. My lips may have accidentally touched his as I take the shot. Whoopsie.

I then speed through the next two because I'm embarrassed and uncomfortable. This is not how I intended to spend my free time.

When I reach the last one, I close me eyes. I've seen enough the past little bit, I don't wanna see too much more.

(*He's got clothes on there, good lord, calm your titties*) 

I shuck the shot back. And with that forceful motion, I find myself staggering back. I'm dizzy, woozy, kinda feeling like I might puke a bit all over some people here.

I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand. I see a smudge of lipstick on my hand and silently curse myself for that. 

"All done." I say the best I can muster. "I'll be leaving now. Nice party."

I start to walk off when I hear glass crash onto the floor. Turns out, Jackson still had some shot glasses on him. And he decided to stand up. In his drunken state, he was too stupid to realise what was going on. 

And then as quick as it happened, everyone goes back to drinking.

My walk back to the dorm was actually somewhat enjoyable. And I made sure to keep some keys out between my fingers like Wolverine, just in case some man got the wrong idea.

The moon was out, only a half moon, but it still let off a beautiful glow. The street and city lights prevent me from seeing many or any stars. 

I make it back to my dorm content, despite the party. I walk up one flight of stairs and flick my keys out, already prepared to open the door and hop into my comfy bed.

Once I make it into eyesight of my door, my contentment slips away.

I see Jung Kook trying to get a look through the peep hole. I shake my head and start to feel pouty. I don't wan to have to deal with grown men right now. I just want to sleeeeeep.

"What could you possibly be doing here, Jung Kook?" I ask through a whine.

He flips around to see me, taken aback. 

"I- how'd- when did you," he blabbers pointing to me and the door. "When did you leave your apartment?"

I sigh.

"Jung Kook, I just got back from the party. I was never home." I advance to my door and stick the key in.

Jung Kook stops me and puts his hand over mine. "Wait, Y/N," he says, sounding more sure of himself, "Somebody must be in there then. I would've left if you weren't home, but I heard noises."

"Then please," I open my door and gesture to him, "be my guest."

I let him enter first and then I follow.

"See, Kook, all is goo-" I try to reassure Jung Kook but a scurrying sound quickly makes it's way up to me and rams into me.

My head slams into the wall, and for a moment, nothing registers but pain. Throbbing, piercing pain. I peel myself off the wall in time to see a person running out of my apartment and down the stairs.

Then Jung Kook registers what's happening. He blinks at me for a moment before dashing away and chasing whoever it was that broke into my apartment.

Because the asshole didn't call 911 for me before running off, I scramble to get my phone and dial the number with shaky hands.

I vaguely remember talking to the operator before falling onto the floor, passing out.

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