Chapter 5

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Once I'm ready, I leave my room to find a group of confused men.

"Does anyone remember what happened last night?" I ask sternly.

They all shake their heads violently.

Well that's great.

"Ok so since we're late," I continue and check my phone for the time. I almost fall. It's 11:30. "We'll explain that we were at my place... but forgot to set alarms because we had a 'no phone' policy. Then we all go so tired we all just fell asleep."

V opens his mouth and raises his hand to say something but quickly retracts. "Nevermind," he mumbles.

"Is everyone ready?" j-hope asks without any hint of his usual cheeriness.

"As ready as we'll ever be," Suga scoffs.

We head off. None of us speak to one another. It's pretty odd for them. They always have something to say to each other. Even if it makes no sense. They must have awoken in precarious positions as well. It brings me some comfort to know Jung Kook and I weren't the only ones.

What made this morning even worse is that it was the beautiful day weather wise. I didn't have to wear a coat or sweater. The sun was high in the sky and casting warm glows on everything it touched. 

Once we arrive at BigHit, we're stopped like criminals when they've been caught. Our manager are waiting with smoke just about visibly fuming from their ears. 

"I'll explain-" I try to say calmly.

"No. Let me explain." My manager practically screams at me.

She flips out her phone and starts to swipe through a series of photos and videos. 

"Is that...." I trail off.

"Yes," She answers immediately. "You. All of you."

"That didn't make it to the internet, did it?" RM asks very nervously.

"Thankfully not, "their manager replies, calmer than mine. "But you're all in a hell of a lot of trouble. Such as, but not limited to: earlier and longer days, practice on weekends and an alcohol prohibition."

Should've seen that last one coming.

My manager shakes her head. "Now go find your bearings. You've got an hour before your all expected in the practice room."

The dissapointed managers walk off.

"Who took and sent those photos!?" Jin demands. "I have a reputation to uphold!"

As it turns out, it was V. 

We all found a quiet corner to sit in and dig through our phones. According to the photos and videos we all had, it was quite an eventful night. 

We all took turns showing the others what went down according to our phones one at a time.

Suga went first. Most of his captures were that of him and a pillow.

Jimin was next and apparently, he becomes quite the flirt when drunk. He's seen sitting on a bunch of laps. His shirt also starts to reveal more and more of his torso as the photos rain on.

V went after that and that's when we all realised we were partying like animals at the club. Drinks, snacks, inappropriate dancing. 

At this point in our sharing circle, we realised that Jung Kook and I had split off from the rest of the group quite early on.

Hence, my turn.

If my new-and-improved lock screen was any indication for me, than kill me now.

It was a close up photo of a shirtless Jung Kook. 

"Well shit," I muttered.

Somehow I manage to click on my gallery. I wish I hadn't.

I'm faced with dozens of photos of Jung Kook and I.... but... we're kissing and touching... and I don't even know how most of these photos were taken. And the culprit behind this photoshoot? What appears to be gallons of alcohol drunk by Jung Kook and I.

I start to notice the silence that fills the group.


The group starts to dart their eyes between Jung Kook and I.

"I had no idea you two were that close," V blurts.

"We arent't Tae..." Jung Kook finally says.

Gotta admit, Jung Kook sounded angry. And nobody says anything more after that.

And none of them talk to me for the rest of the day.

*Time skipppppp*

The next week is a little rocky. I'm working much harder in preparation for my debut and because I need to prove to my manager I'm not doing anything for a joyride. I still haven't spoken much with the other guys. Especially not Jung Kook. He barely looks as me.

I don't know why. The more he keeps up with this the more awkward things will become between us. 

*Time skip, teehee*

By the next month after that, things sure have changed. My debut has been moved up. I've become  official friends with the biggest boy band in the world, minus Jung Kook who still has a hard time breathing oxygen next to me.

*Whoop, a third time skip*

Before I know it, I'm about to debut.

I update my social media informing my fans that I've just finished shooting the music video.

"Fans." That's a funny word. And a really funny concept. Who'd think yeah, let me just rally up these rando people who enjoy me and have them support me.

With each day closer and closer to my debut, some of the other members keep trying to gather hints and spoilers from me.

Each time, I say no.

As I sit down in an empty recording studio alone with my thoughts, the door opens. I turn around and see Jung Kook.

"Hey, stranger," I say calmly trying not to scare him off.

"Hey there, "he replies with a little oomph.

"Can I help you?"

"I just need to talk..."

He sighs as I remove my coat and slump further in my seat.

"Y/N..." he starts up again.

"Yes that is my name."

He shoots me a glare. "Remember when we woke up in the same bed?"


"Well. I lied. I do remember what happened."

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