Chapter 6

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He looks up at me before confessing.

"We had it..... Sex...."

That's what I dreaded to hear.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" I ask confused.

"Because I got worried I could have gotten you... pregnant."

I try to butt in but he keeps talking.

"And after all this time, the guilt has been gnawing  at me. I need to know, are you pregnant?"

I almost laugh. "No." It should be obvious. "If I was I'd have known weeks ago and been beating down your door."

He sits there and ingests the information I've given him. He swallows. 

After a few minutes of him staring at the tiled floor, he stands up.

"I'll get out of your hair now," he huffs while actually ruffling my hair. "Can't wait to see your debut"

"Ohhhh, it'll be quite the spectacle," I tease.

He scoffs and turns towards the door. Then he turns back around again.

"What now?" I ask. "You gonna propose?"

"No," he laughs, "Just... before I go, I want to make sure... we're good?"

I nod.

Then he finally leaves.

Once he's gone I take a moment to actually reflect on our conversation. Like, we actually did the dirty. The nasty. The banging. The smashing. Knocking boots. Slept together. Holy crap....

With that thought comes rushing in many more. Was I good? Was he good? What exactly happened? I start to feel my cheeks heat up and my breathing quickens.

Now how am I going to face him?

*Skip to debut day cuz that's what we really care about*

It's so early. It's 5:45am and I'm expected at the company by 6am. I need to get styled and dressed up for my debut showcase. It's pretty nerve racking. 

Once I'm there, it takes even longer to get the outfit on. I love it, it's *inspired by your favourite style*... but it takes so long to get on.

What have I gotten myself into?

And after another 2 hours, I'm ready.

Ahahaha, no I'm not.

My performance isn't for another hour so to pass the time I lightly practice my performance.

*Knock knock*

"Come in," I call.

A mix of seven male voices fill up the air in the room. They all look so giddy and excited while I'm here trying keep myself from falling.

"Good luck, Y/N!" V encourages.

"I don't think she needs luck," RM corrects.

"Pfft, everyone needs luck to pull off a debut," Suga adds.

"I'm fine guys. And I'll do just fine." I assure them, and myself.

"Well be watching and cheering you on, Y/N," j-hope beams, his smile bright as ever.

I smile back and give them all a thumbs up.

Before I know it, I'm stepping up to the stage to show the world what I'm all about.

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