Chapter 7

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Whatever I expected to happen when I walked out on that bright stage, I was wrong. The lights were flashing and blinding, the sounds were deafening. Both the screams of the people and the music in the air. But everything was shining and beautiful. The audience looked prouder of me than my family ever had. 

They cheered my name. They waved and clapped. They loved me.

My debut itself was to quote some people "flawless". Well, that's obviously not true, but I'll take the praise.

My showcase consisted of my debut title track and a couple other songs I released as part of my debut.

When it was all said and done, when I couldn't breathe any more, I went up to the front of the stage.

I got on my knees and bowed. 

"Thank you for your support!" I yelled out to the crowd. "I can't wait to release more music for you all! I can't wait to meet you all!!"

I smiled so wide I thought my mouth was going to rip off. I stood up again and took another bow.

I thanked the adoring crowd once, twice more. I've never felt this much love before.

Then I go backstage. That's a whole new world now. The staff who was just ordering me around like a child earlier clap and congratulate me. Treat me with much more respect than they need to.

I'm still beaming. I thank them graciously and bow.

As I walk along them to my dressing room, I make sure to thank them all individually as well.

I open the door that feels three times heavier with a sigh. So glad to have a moment to catch my breath.

Except, there's someone in here.

Draped in black in the corner of my room, what looks to me a man stands there.

"Excuse me," I say, trying to stay calm, "this is my private dressing room. You cannot be in here."

"Ah," they say coolly, "must have been a mistake. My apologies."

I open the door for him. He just stands there and stares.

"Well... Do I need to spell it out for you. Leave please."

He nods and walks out soundlessly. As he passes by, I wrinkle my nose at the smell that wafts off him. It smells like a mix of sewage, construction and gunpowder. That's a little concerning.

I take a quick look outside the door to see if I can see the mystery man walk off. But he's long gone.

Thankfully, now I'm alone. 

I close the door, lock it, and lean back on it.

I barely get 30 seconds of silence before there's a booming knock on my door.

I practically fly to the other side of my room.

"Come in," I call out tiredly.

Jung Kook clears his throat. "Is this a bad time?"

I look up, surprised to see him here. "I thought you were back at the agency?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, I came here I wanted to see your performance live."

I tilt my head to the side. "Thanks. That means a lot."

Jung Kook scrunches his nose and sniffs the room. "Why does it smell so bad in here?"

"Some guy was in here. He definitely wasn't supposed to be. There should be some security outside my door."

"Did he do anything?"

"I didn't give him the chance?" I give a sly smirk.

Jung Kook lets out a 'tsk' and moves on with the conversation. "I want to congratulate you on your debut. It was amazing. Phenomenal, really."

Wow. "That's some high praise coming from the likes of you," I say gesturing to him. "You're a worldwide superstar."

He lets out a soft chuckles and settles himself into a chair beside where I sit. "My compliment is worth as much as the next guy."

"Pfft, no it's not."

He nods vigorously. "Seriously, it is. Besides, you'll be a 'worldwide superstar' soon yourself."

I laugh. Then he laughs. 

I always have so much fun with one of bangtan's finest.

"Anyways," Jung Kook says after our laughing fit, tapping my thigh, "I'd better get going before one of my hyungs starts worrying or worse yet, looking for me."

And as simple as that, he leaves.

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