Chapter 3

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*At Restaurant*

"Booth or table?" Suga suddenly speaks out for the first time since I've been with them.

Some say booth, but table wins by more votes. It takes some time to locate a table big enough to accompany our large party.

We find one that has exactly eight seats. One at both heads of the tables and three lining both sides. Jin takes one head of the table, and the boys insist that I take the other. So I do.

Unsurprisingly, the maknae line lines one side while the rest of the hyungs settle into the other. Once we've settled, we all order some drinks.

The boys all make conversations with themselves, I just sit there soaking everything up.

"So," Jin says towards me,"when are you set to debut, Y/N?"

"I... uh... I think in about at least another four months." I reply.

Jin nods. 

After that, it gets a little awkward. For me at least. I sip at my drink. (*Whatever drink you so choose*) I glance at my phone. And so on.

Then suddenly, I decide this is the perfect time to embarrass myself.

"Have y'all ever hooked up with one of your ARMY?" I blurt, quoting the famous line from their Ellen DeGeneres interview.

All they do is stare. Well duh.

"Yes, actually," I hear RM say very quietly.

Damn. That's a shocker.

"Me too..." says Suga.

Say what?

"I think the only one of us who hasn't done something with ARMY is Jungkookie." j-hope says with a smirk.

Really? I find it hard to believe that the self proclaimed "International Playboy" hasn't lived up to his name.

I look over at Jung Kook and see him starting to slink down his chair from embarrassment.

"Why do you ask, Y/N?" Jin says coolly, smoothing his hair with his hand. "You interested?"

"Ah... what? I-I just got uncomfortable with the silence is all..."

Then they all laugh.

Not like a "haha", but a big, heavy chuckle.

That's good, right?

Conversation becomes much easier after that.

I end up losing track of time. We all do. It must have been very late in the night or very early in the morning before we left.

They dropped me off at my dorm and we all agreed to hang out again 'real soon'.

*Time skip next morning 9am*

My alarm goes off and it's the absolute worst thing to start my day with. The ringing either induces a headache or increases the blinding pain thrumming against my skull. (*It's up to you why you have the headache.*)

It's really owie.

And by that, I can already tell this is not going to be a good morning.

I take some pills for my headache and try to get started with my day.

I make it to the agency and can already tell when I see my manager waiting by the door, tapping her foot, that she's not in a good mood either.

"Sorry," I apologize and bow.

She doesn't say anything, only nods. Then she's dragging me off into some unknown part of the building. Then we're in a hallway I've only ever passed by a couple times.

We stop in front of a closed door labelled 'Idea room".

This room is mostly used for song writing, concept planning for albums and music videos.

I do a double take. "Am I supposed to be here?" I ask my manager.

"Yes, Y/N." She sighs and pushes the door open.

Inside is like that angelic sounds of angels, but as people.

Bang PD, RM, Suga, j-hope and a couple other talented people are seated at a long banquet table.

"Please sit," Bang PD instructs.

Don't have to tell me twice.

I feel so unprepared for this. So shocked. And I think they can tell by the look on my face.

"It was a little frightening when I first sat here too," RM reassures me, "but it'll get easier."

I nod my thanks.

"So I have some ideas," I state.

And we work from there.

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