Chapter Eleven

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Matthew Alexander West

Back when Kyle invited Maggie & Emily to his party

After we finished our class, we're hanging out at Beau Coffee. It's still 2.30 P.M. but Kyle have been bugging me about coming to his party all day since I refused to come after know that she will be there.

"Oh come on dude! Just come and enjoy my party today!" Kyle pouted to me. "Why are you being so difficult? There will be so many hot chicks in there!!!"

Vic nodded. "Yeah dude, let's come and enjoy the party. You're the chick magnet, if you won't come, then they will not come." He glanced then smirked to Kyle. "Plus we can get to know more about our two new hot friends."

Kyle smirked too and nodded his hed vigorously.

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you both planning?" I swear this two idiots are planning something for me. They still look at each other with that stupid smirk still plastered on their idiot heads, as if they have some kind of mind-link or something. "I believe you guys are forcing me to come, not because of that stupid chick magnets. I told you I won't come if she's gonna be there."

The barista called our orders, and Kyle stood up to receive it.

"Maggie? Dude, I don't understand why are you so hating her." Vic talked to me. "As much as I can see her and her friend, they look like a nice and pretty girl."

Kyle's back with our order. "Yeah dude, that's true."

I fold my arms and lean back on my chair. "I just hate her."

"Hate her?" Vic and Kyle identically raised their eyebrows. "How can you hate her when you barely even know her."

"She's just so freakin clumsy, hot-headed, infurating, big mouth girl" And hot, pretty and beautiful girl at the same time. What the heck dude! Why I even think about her like that. I rub my temples.

Kyle smirked to me. "You do know that there's a thin line between love and hate relationship right?"

I smacked his head. "I do not love her at all."

"Ow dude!" Kyle rubs his head. "That hurts." I rolled my eyes. Such a girl. "Don't need to refuse your feelings by hurting my poor head though."

"I'm not--"

The cafe' door jingle, and I look up to see her. What is she doing in here? I saw she waved and  her smile getting bigger when she's looking into the guy barista with dark brown hair and brown eyes behind cashier.  She's approaching him and they're both hugging lovingly. Is he her boyfriend? I don't know why but the thought of that is disturbing me. Okay, what is seriously happening to me? Why am I so suddenly like this?

Kyle look up to her as well and asked, "Hey, isn't that Maggie?"

Vic turned his head to see the cashier area. "Yes it's her. HEY MAGGIE!" He stupidily shouted to get her attention. I took my keys and throw it to his stupid head. "Ow dude what the hell!"

"Don't call her you idiot."

She's looking to my direction, narrowed her beautiful brown eyes as if like looking into somekind of disease or something, but then smiled and waved when she's looking to my two idiot friends. She talked something to 'her boyfriend' and he looked to us, especially me, then smirked, place his filthy hands on her waist and lean his head closer and whispered something to her. She's laughing on whatever stupid things that she heard from him. I don't like his hand on her, and how he can make her laughing. Then she let go of him and approached us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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