Chapter Seven

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Maggie Laura Xanders

"Gosh, I thought you're kidding."

"Well, of course I'm not." Emily said with duh tone.

Yesterday, at Emily's parent's anniversary, when she said that she want to meet that arrogant boy, I really thought  that she was kidding to me. But apparently not, because right now I was sitting with her in my class room. I don't even understand why she's willing to spend her precious sleep time just to come to my morning class. She doesn't even have any class that morning.

"And when you've met him later, you'll just go home?"


I really doesn't understand with Emily's way of thinking. Just as I want to say something with her, I heard the familiar girl voice whining to her 'boyfriend', again like when on my first class yesterday. Emily and I looked up to see them. Vic, Matthew with his bimbo girlfriend, and his other friend that I saw before. Vic and his friend with the brown hair approached my table while that arogant rude boy with his girlfriend just stared at me.

"Well, well, well, look who is sitting on this table. Let me introduce myself, my two beautiful ladies. I'm Kyle." Said the one with the brown hair. He took each of me and Emily's hand and kissed our palm.

I and Emily giggled. "Hi Kyle, I'm Maggie, if you remembered. And this is my best friend, Emily."

"How could I forget you, Maggie? You're a girl I don't want to be mess with."  I blushed and looked down. I feel embarassed. I was sure he was talking about my confrontation with Matthew. "Hey, don't be embarassed, Maggie. I found it hot." He winked.

"Oh stop it, Kyle." Vic flicked Kyle's head. "So, Emily, you take business too?"

"Ugh... I- I'm not." She stuttered. Okay, what the hell was that? Is she shy? That's not a typical Emily at all! "I take design."

"Oh. So what are you doing in here, beautiful?"

Emily's cheek turned red. Oh God! Emily must like him!

"I- I was jus--"

"She just accompany me, Vic." I butted in. I don't want Emily to say something stupid, or even say something worse like reveal her true intention to be here. "What about you and Kyle? You take business too? But I didn't see you in class yesterday?"

"Well we take laws, girl!" Kyle exclaimed proudly. "We're here just to hang out with Matthew for a bit."

"Yeah 'cause we don't have class till noon."

"Why don't you just go home?" I asked.

"It would be better to hang out in campus. You know, to see a pretty chic." They're all definately same. A womanizer. But at least, Vic and Kyle acted better than him. I think.

"Ugh, stop fooling around with woman, you stupid." Vic said to Kyle.

"You too, bro." He smirked.

"Shut up." Vic glared. "So, Emily and Maggie, Kyle will throw a party today at his home, you wanna join?"

"Sure." Emily said happily.

"I can't."

"Why?" Kyle asked.

"I have to work."

"We can go after you finished your shift." Emily said.

"Yes we can, but you know I don't like party."

"Oh come on, Emily! When was the last time we go to party together?" Emily rise her eyebrow. "It's been ages!"

"But I--"


Those puppy dog eyes of Emily. How can I resist that? I sighed. "Fine. We're coming."

"Yey! I love you, Mags!" Emily hugged me side way.

"Okay, see you girls!" Vic and Kyle walked away from my table and came to Matthew. I saw his annoyed face.

"So, I think you have hots for Vic, Emi. Don't you think?"

She blushed again. "I admit that he's really hot."

I chuckled. "That's why you insist me to come with you to their party."

"Why the hell did you invite her?! Are you insane?" I heard Matthew shouted. I turned my head to see Matthew glared too Vic and Kyle.

"This is my party, dude. I can choose and invite whoever I want."

"Whatever. I won't come."

"Come on dude! More girls are better right?

"Yes. But not her." Matthew glanced to me.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I narrowed my eyes.

He looked me boringly. "So?"

"So? Turn your voice down, idiot."

"What did you call me?" I hear rage in his voice.

"Matty, calm down. Ignore her." His girlfriend said to calm him, but it seems like he much more annoyed with her.

"Shut up, Hannah." 

So her name is Hannah.

Kyle sighed. "Just chill, and go to my party okay?"

"I won't."

"Whatever dude. That'll be your disadvantage."

Emily cleared her throat. "Wow. That guy has a really short temprament."

"As you can see, Em."


Hi guys! Sorry for being late for an update. But I'm back and here is the new chapter.

I hope you guys like it!

Don't forget to vote, comment, share and follow me! Love you guys!

Till next time :)

- Stefani

My Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora