Chapter Four

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Maggie Laura Xanders


That guy...

Doesn't his parent teach him any manners towards a woman?

It's only my first day but I already met such a dlck head like him. And it's kind of ruined my mood for all day. But I have to admit, I feel something... I don't know what I supposed to feel about him. When I look to his blue eyes... It's like there's so many butterfly that fly in my stomach.

Oh God. Maggie, what did you just think?

It can't be. I just met him. And he's such a dlck head and has no manner at all. There's no way that I... like him?

Oh no no no... I think I'm going crazy.

I took a sit on the bench and put my face in both of my palm. I groaned. I think I'm definitely crazy if I have feeling for him. I've never felt something like this before. Even, I've never had a boyfriend. Yeah, I know. It's pathetic, right? But since my dad died, I only focus on study and work. I don't want to have a distract in my life like broken heart or spent all day just to think your love life.

I stand up and start walking again. Where should I spend my time now? I think I'm gonna check the library.

"Hey, do you know where the library is?" I asked one girl that walked past me.

"Oh, it's on this floor. Just go straight until you find a dean office, and then turn left. You go straight from there and you'll find the library."

"Oh okay, thankyou very much." I smile to her.


Library is always been my favorite place to study. I love the quiteness in there. And because I love books.

In the library, I walked from aisle to aisle. Wow. This library is complete with so many books, even books that I've never seen in any library before. I'm so drowned in my books that I don't notice it's already 12.30 p.m. I closed my book and stood up. I better go to class early to find the most comfortable seat.


"Well, this is it." I was standing in front of room D2F, my first class room. I took a deep breath. I always feel nervous on the first day. I walked into my class room and searched for a seat beside a window. That's always the best and my favorite seat. I can stare outside the window every time I feel stress from my teacher's lecture.


I looked to a girl that sit beside me. She has this warm feeling if you were with her. "Hi!"

"I'm Tris Reynolds." She offered her hand.

"I'm Maggie Xanders. It's nice to meet you." I shook her hand and smile to her.

"It's nice to meet you too." She's grinning. "So, are you nervous on the first day?"

"Kind of." I nodded. "I always feel nervous on my first day. You know, about meeting new teachers and friends."

"Me too." Tris agreed.

"I'm not a type of person that can start a conversation. And it feels so awkward sometimes. You know, when you were with someone, and we just stare to each other because we don't know what we have to say?"

"Trust me, I know." She chuckled. "There's one time when my best friend set me up this stupid blind date with her friend. I told her that I'm not interested with her stupid blind date, but she keep insist me to come. So for her sake, I came. This guy brought me to a diner. I really like a guy who can initiate a conversation or at least can humor me. But, this guy was barely talking to me, and we just stared to each other like a stupid person."

"Wow. That's really awkward." I chuckled too. "So you just come to that blind date, and act like a total stranger without having a conversation?"

"We did. But he only talked stupid  things. And I only can answer him with a nodded because honestly, I didn't have any idea what he's talking about."

We're laughing together at that. Lucky me, I've never experienced something like that. I better go around by myself, than with someone that barely talk to me or just talked to me about stupid things.

Me and Tris kept talking until I heard some girl whining to her friend in front of the class.

"Aaah, Matty come on! Just sit with me."

I look to that girl and her friend. And I widened my eyes when I realized who the person that stood beside her.

Oh no. It can't be.

There in front of my class, stood that mesmerizing blue eyes that made my stomach fluttered. He looked around class to find a seat until his eyes found me. He narrowed his eyes.

"You." He said with a very dangerously low tone.

Oh sh*t.


I hope you guys like it!

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Till next time :)

- Stefani

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