Chapter Eight

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Maggie Laura Xanders



"Definitely no."

I cringed. "That's horrible."

"I won't w--"

"Oh for God's sake Maggs! Just choose one and wear that okay?" Emily threw all her dresses beside me and groaned. For the past hour, Emily kept showing me her dresses and let me tell you that her dresses was definitely not my kind of dresses. It's beautiful but it's either too short or too tight for me, that's because Emily is shorter than me and I have more curves than her.

"I won't Emi. It's too short and too tight for me."

"That's the point!" She exclaimed.

I raised my eyebrows. "What point?"

"Well, you see, we will attend a college party and it's like the first time since forever we've ever attend this kind of party." I feel bad for her. Emily was kind of a party girl, she used to attend so many party when we're back in high school, but after my dad died, she always stick by my side and never go to any party anymore. I always tell her that I don't mind if she wants to go, but she always tell me that she's not interested anymore to party. I knew that she's lying to me, because everytime our friends invited us to their house party, I saw Emily's eyes lit up, but still she turned down their invitation. So now I'm trying to give back that party side of her .I know it's not really good to be a party animal, but she's sacrifised much in my life and always by my side so I want give a payback for her. "And I think there will be so many hot college guy in Kyle's party. And if we're lucky, maybe some of them will be half naked-drunk and I can have some of them, and so do you." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ew you grossed, Em!" I throw a pillow to her face. "I won't give my V-card just like that to some random guy."

"Oh come on, girl! How old are you? 18 and still a virgin?" She's cringing. "For the love of Pete's sake, have some fun! Chill and just don't think anything."

I sighed. "I can't Emi. What will my mom think if she know that her only girl turn into some girl that play around with guy? And what will my dad think?" Suddenly I felt sad.

Emily sat beside me on her bed. "Maggs, it's okay. I'm sure you're dad want you to have some fun and not always stress about work and college life." She smiled to me. "Sometimes you also have to spend your lifetime as a normal teenager."  

"Ugh.. Am I not normal?"

"That's not what I mean Maggs." She chuckled. "I mean, you should give yourself sometimes to act like a normal teenager that can spend their free times with friends, parties, and not with always studying or working. You still have a long life Maggs."

"Oh." I looked down at my feet. "I'm sorry Emi."

"What are you sorry for?"

"You know.. To not spend my times with you and only focus with my life."

"Maggs." Emily touched my shoulder. "No, it's okay. I fully understand your priority in your life. You've studied and worked so hard so you can be accepted in Harberts University, and now here you are! I'm proud of you. And I'm sure your dad too."

That brings my tears fall down my cheek. "Oh Emi... Thank you." I hugged her so tight.

"Urwelcome girl." She said. "Okay now stop with the sad chit-chat! You don't have to spend your time with some random guys later, just stay by my side and enjoy the party, yeah?"

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