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That morning, Orion is watching USWNT players training at Exploria Stadium, Orlando as he was forced by his sister to do so.

"Great to have you here, Orion" said the head coach; Jill Ellis.

"Alex forced me to do so, coach" replied Orion. Jill giggled.

"There's nothing you can do about it, huh" said Jill.

"Yeah. All my sisters have been my tender spots for years" replied Orion.

"Well, everybody have our own tender spot. So, where are you heading next?" asked Jill.

"Just around here in Orlando. Then, I'll head to Malaysia" replied Orion.

"Ah, such a nice country. Which promotion?" asked Jill.

"Pro Wrestling PANTHER" replied Orion.

"I see. Good luck" said Jill.

"Thanks, coach" replied Orion. Jill just smirked before walked towards the ladies.

Later on;

Orion is accompanied Alex to buy some groceries.

"Do we really need to buy this much, sis?" asked Orion.

"Of course. My place there has been a gathering place for all my teammates in Orlando Pride or national team" replied Alex.

"By the way, sis. Can I ask you something?" asked Orion.

"You already did, aren't you? Sure" replied Alex.

"Do you remember about my file?" asked Orion.

"That file about your data since you were born. Yes. Why?" asked Alex in returned.

"I just rechecked on it few days ago and just realised that there's a statement that state I have a twin sister name Lyra" replied Orion.

"Oh, yeah. I asked mom and dad long time ago about it. They said that when they adopting you, your twin sister was already being adopted by other family" said Alex.

"Did they ever said which fanily?" asked Orion.

"No. What's the name of that twin sister of yours again?" asked Alex.

"Lyra" replied Orion.

"I think I heard that name somewhere before but I don't really remember it" said Alex.

"It's okay, sis. Besides, I'm sure that there are many girls with that name around the globe" replied Orion.

"That's true" said Alex.

"Do you think I need to find her?" asked Orion.

"Of course. She's your twin sister" replied Alex.

"Don't you afraid?" asked Orion.

"Of what?" asked Alex in returned.

"That I might love her more than you?" asked Orion then.

"No. I hoping that you'll find her soon so that I don't have to take care of you anymore" replied Alex.

"Really, sis?" asked Orion. Alex giggled.

"Of course not. But, I hope that she will be less troublemaker than you" replied Alex.

"Hey, I'm not a troublemaker" said Orion.

"You are, baby bro. Want me to list out?" asked Alex.

"Hahahahaha.... Ha... Ha... No, thanks" replied Orion. Alex just giggled.

That night;

Orion arrived at the arena for ROH taping. Once he enters the lockeroom, Young Bucks approached him.

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