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That morning, Orion did his morning run alone. Once he passing through a park, he saw Hariz is alone there like he's waiting for someone.

"Hey, bro. Are you waiting for someone?" asked Orion.

"Kind of" replied Hariz.

"Girlfriend?" asked Orion.

"No, I'm waiting for Cassandra" replied Hariz.

"She's here?" asked Orion.

"Yeah, she checked in at the hotel last night after arrived from Munich" replied Hariz.

"I see. Mind if I asked you something?" asked Orion.

"Not really. What?" asked Hariz in returned.

"How does it feels like having a twin sister?" asked Orion then.

"Well, it's annoying sometimes. But, I'll ended up missing her then" replied Hariz.

"I see" said Orion.

"Why did you asked all of sudden?" asked Hariz.

"Nothing. Anyway, see you around" replied Orion. After they bumped fist, Orion walked away.

Later on;

Orion just sit around and watch movie when he got a phone call from Gedo.

Orion: Hello, Gedo-san.

Gedo: Hello there. How you're doing?

Orion: I'm good. So, do you have any news for me?

Gedo: Of course. I need you to come back to Tokyo for the final day of Best of Super Jr. tournament. I booked you and The Warbringer vs Golden Lovers.

Orion: Okay, sounds cool for me.

Gedo: Okay then. I'll see you in few days.

Orion: Okay, Gedo-san.

Then, they hung up.

"Golden Lovers, huh" said Orion while smirked.

"What is that with evil smile on your face?" asked Alex that just entered the living room.

"Nothing, sis" replied Orion.

"Really?" asked Alex.

"Yes, sis" replied Orion.

"You know it's impossible to hide anything from me, right?" asked Alex.

"Fine. I'll tell you now. Gedo called me just now and saying that at the final day of Best of Super Jr tournament, I was booked to face Golden Lovers" replied Orion.

"Omega and Ibushi, huh. Make sure you beat them up badly" said Alex.

"I will, sis" replied Orion.

"So, do you have any plan today?" asked Alex.

"No. Why?" asked Orion in returned.

"Good. Now you'll go and buy grocery with me. Kelley and some of her teammates are coming here tonight" replied Alex.

"Do I really need to go too? I'm in lazy mode right now" replied Orion.

"Yes, you lazy ass athlete. Now go and get ready" said Alex.

"Fine" replied Orion.

Later at the supermarket;

Orion and Alex walked side by side with Orion pushed the trolley.

"So, already found anything that leads to your twin sister?" asked Alex.

"Not yet. I talked to the foster care owner where Mom and Dad took me from but she didn't know where is my twin sister right now" replied Orion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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