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Few days after New Japan Cup;

Kampung Melayu, Ayer Hitam, Penang, Malaysia....

"What? Are you seriously eating this heavy meal?" asked Orion. Orion is at one of Hariz's secret place to eat Nasi Kandar; a curry rice that popular in Penang state with Hariz and some other fellow Malaysian wrestlers.

 Orion is at one of Hariz's secret place to eat Nasi Kandar; a curry rice that popular in Penang state with Hariz and some other fellow Malaysian wrestlers

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"Yes. Why not?" asked Hariz.

"But, it's looks greesy" replied Orion.

"Taste it first, will you" said Summer Hagreaves. (*Cough*cough*Summer_Directioner*cough*cough*)

"That's true. Be grateful that I shared this hidden gem of nasi kandar place to you" said Hariz then.

"You know it's good when Hariz said so" said FH Zrayne.

"Fine. So, how do I start?" asked Orion.

"Mix the rice and gravy first" replied Hariz. Orion just picked a fork and spoon before the rest stopped him.

"Bro, just use your hand. It much easier" said Acap.

"Fine. Let me go and wash it first" said Orion before went to wash his hand. Then, he returned back to his seat and started to mix together the rice and gravy. Then, he started to eat.

"So, how does it taste?" asked FH's wife; Nina.

"Damn, it's taste good" replied Orion.

"Told you so" said Hariz.

"By the way, Orion. Why don't you ask The Warbringer to come with you?" asked Summer.

"Because he will eats all the snack in my place if he comes" said Hariz.

"Damn, you still feel bitter for that" replied FH.

"Yeah, right. Like you still feel bitter that I broke your winning streak at MPIRE Golden Climax tournament, right" said Hariz then.

"Oh, shut up, Sniper" replied FH. The rest just chuckled.

Later that night;

Orion was just lying down in his hotel room when he got a FaceTime request from Alex.

Orion: Hi, sis. How you're doing?

Alex: I'm good. What about you?

Orion: I'm good. So, what's up?

Alex: Nothing. I just miss this only brother of mine.

Orion: Aww, I miss you too.

Alex: Where are you by the way?

Orion: Oh, I'm in Penang, Malaysia.

Alex: I see. Which promotion books you?

Orion: Pro Wrestling PANTHER.

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