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That day, Orion is staying alone at his hotel room when he heard someone knocked the door. He then went to check and saw Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi were there.

"What do you want?" asked Orion.

"We want to talk with you for awhile. Can we come in?" asked Kenny.

"Yeah, sure" replied Orion before letting The Golden Lovers came in.

"So, what are you want to talk about?" asked Orion then.

"We need you to help us fighting Team Cody" replied Kenny.

"Why must I help you?" asked Orion.

"Because we're both already in Bullet Club during Styles Era" replied Kenny.

"So, what? Besides, you already have Young Bucks, right? Why did you need me anyway?" asked Orion.

"Because with you in my team, I'll win the war for sure" replied Kenny.

"Well, it happens that I have no interest to get involved. Why don't you ask Alex and The Tongans then?" asked Orion.

"Do you think that they will help me?" asked Kenny in returned.

"I don't know but there's nothing else that I think can help you" replied Orion.

"It's not that I want to after all" said inner Orion.

"Okay, then. Thanks for your time" replied Kenny before he and Ibushi left.

A few minutes later;

Orion got a phone call from The Warbringer.

Orion: Hello.

Alex: What the hell is this all about, Morgan? You're the one that asked Omega to come and see me, right.

Orion: Whoa, hold your horses, dude. I didn't tell him, I just suggest it to him.

Alex: But, still I can't believe that he will ever thought to ask you.

Orion: Well, maybe he thought that I still didn't chose any side since I just returned here to New Japan.

Alex: Yeah, you might be right. Anyway, I need to go now. See you in the semi-final.

Orion: Okay, bro. Bye.

Alex: Bye.

Then, they hung up

On the next day;

Orion was just arrived at Korakuen Hall for the semi-final of New Japan Cup when he was surrounded by reporters.

"Orion, do you think that you can win the match against Tanahashi later on?"

"Is your friendship with The Warbringer is end if you both facing each other in the final?"

"Are you in Team Kenny or Team Cody?"

"Chill out, all of you. First, about the semi-final match later on. I don't think I can win against Tanahashi, I know I can. About me and Alex; No our friendship won't end just because of one match. But, one thing for sure; that match will be epic. That's for sure. And for the final question; who cares? I am Team Bullet Club" replied Orion before walked away.

Later in the lockeroom;

"So, let me guess. You were surrounded by reporters just now, right?" asked Alex.

"Yeah" replied Orion.

"They never know when to stop, huh" said Alex.

"Yeah. Just like The Elites never stop to stick their nose in others' business" replied Orion.

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