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(Music: Ellie's theme)

Hannah opened her eyes. She knew her friend, Austin Curtis, had hidden somewhere around here. She just didn't know where. She checked around the different rooms where her uncle and aunt lived. Austin couldn't have gone far. He wasn't one to wander out of the area he and his parents lived in. After all, there were so many good hiding spots in here.

Hannah liked staying in Austin's part of the Toppat orbital station. It had many fun things to do. Things her mother would never let her do. Her mom was very protective of her. An example of this is when Hannah caught a mild fever and Ellie wouldn't let her walk 10 feet away from the bed. Another time Hannah lost a tooth after tripping up on a box of toppats. Ellie made sure there would be nothing on the ground before Hannah got to playing.

Even when she was at Austin's house, Hannah found safety precautions being put into place. Her mum was good friends with Austin's parents. Hannah thought herself more as her dad. She had no memory of her dad at all, but from what she heard from clan members, like Uncle Burt, Aunt Carol and even Mr Svensson he had apparently been a great man. A man who could lead the clan, even in its toughest times.

He had been a true genius, both at meetings and on the open feild against government soilders. She had pictures of him. In all of them he appeared to have metal legs, and a metal spine and arm. Some of them showed him standing in powerfull poses. Others had him standing along with her mum on special days, like on their wedding day, there baby gender reveal and even after Hannah's birth. And in 5 photos it was Hannah and her father. One showed him feeding her which she had little memory of. Another had him reaching an arm towards her while she took her first steps. She remembered that well. Her favourite one was one where she appeared to be on his shoulders. In this one he seemed the happiest he had ever been.

Then came the day, he dissapered. Her mother wouldn't let her know how. It was since then that Ellie had been extremely overprotective of Hannah. Since then, life changed for many in the clan. Hannah knew this and strived to redirect the clan towards greatness. After all she had grown up within the clan so it was like a family to her. And to do so, she would have to follow her father's legacy. Which her mother was preventing. It was clear she would need a private space. And she would find one.

In time.

His daughter (Sequel to intertwined fates)Where stories live. Discover now