Chapter 5: Memories

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Song: House of memories

I entered my room, still thinking about what could be in that book when, I noticed something on my bed. There, on the large single bed, was a letter and a keycard. Thinking not much of it, I opened the letter and read what was inside.

To miss H.R. Stickmin,

We are pleased to say that, after a good look of your training scores, you are officially going to be recruited into the toppat clan. You can expect to be beginning work in the clan within a weeks time. Please ensure you go down to the hats storage selection so as to decide on your top hat. We hope you will do well in the clan.

The order of executives.

I stared at the letter for a few minutes. I let the words sink in while I scanned the page over, and over again. I looked at the keycard which every member would own to get through the station. Then I gasped.

Hannah: I...I'm......gonna be in the....the.....

I thought about what this would mean. First, I could walk around more of the station with ease. Secondly, I could (hopefully) get promoted and thus get plenty of respect. And thirdly I could finally live up my father's legacy.

I immediately ran to the top hats selection area. While running there I met up with Austin. At that point I was panting from running.

Austin: Woah. Hannah what's the rush?

I showed him the letter while trying to catch my breath. He read over it, scanning the entire thing twice before handing it back to me.

Austin: Congrats! You're gonna become part of the clan.

Hannah: Thanks. Anyways, I need to go pick a top hat.

Austin: Alright. Bye Hannah.

Hannah: Bye!


I walked into the large circular room with shelves and cupboards full of top hats. There were so many different variants of top hats: long ones, short, blue ones, brown ones. Ones with jewels. Ones with words. Even a few that were customizable. The amount of hats that was in there was overwhelming.

I went for a drawer with some files. This drawer contained many previous toppats who had gone down in the clan' s history. There was everything from leaders to members. I dug around a while looking for a specific one.

Hannah: H....H....aha. Kay now E...

After some digging, I found the 2 files I was looking for. The first was of my mom. A quick scan told me enough about her. The next file was the really interesting one. It contained my dad's details. I read through the whole thing. There was the usual stuff like name, age, height etc. But there was also private info. I looked through the private pages only to find random nonsense. It seemed impossible to read. Until I figured out there was a message.

After using all the code cracking knowledge I had I thought about who my dad had been. I remembered him often being quiet. He'd ussualy have a no smile on his mouth but would always have some kind of spark in his eyes. I remembered he would keep his memories and secrets somewhere. He had shown me a peculiar item....


I run around the large room with many shiny objects in sight. Something catches my eye. It's not a jewelry. It's not a hat. It's a large book. And it's open.

I grab a stool and bring it over. Climbing up, I see the book is open. It has a sentence. I don't know how to read unfortunately.

But I pick the book up. There are pages with words I have no clue the meaning of. I hear footsteps. Then an arm grabs me and pulls me up. The other hand picks up the book. I hear a voice.

???: Woah now. This is Daddy's private book.

The book is taken out of my veiw. I'm carried away somewhere and placed into a crib. I try to climb out only to spot some toys. They take my mind off what's happening around me.

But I hear voices. The man who brought me here is speaking. I lie down and, through a crack in the door, I see a figure talking to someone. They're holding the book. They seem to have locked it and are putting the key in a drawer. Light reflects on the book cover and I see it. There in front of me are the initials H.S. written in bold.

End of flash back..

I jolted awake. Looking around I saw I was still in the top hats selection room.

Hannah: The book......

I run out of the room and down a corridor. The memory still remains fresh in my mind. The book me and Austin found belonged to him. There's no ever alternative. And I know where the key is. I raced down the corridors, past the library, past the cafeteria, past my room. I don't stop untill I reach the room I've been looking for.

With a deep breath, I take a step inside my old nursery room.

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