Chapter 8: The ceremony

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Austin: Wait. So all of this. The book, the room, the codes all link to you're dad's dissaperence?

Hannah: Yeah....I wish I could make sense of it.

Austin: Huh. Okay anyways, when are you joining the clan?

Hannah: Well the recruitment ceremony is today.

I continued to eat the fish fingers and peas while thinking back to everything I had learned about the clan to prepare. First, I had learned the system. It was all the same. Except for the leader position. The position was open since nobody wanted the job. Because of this, the executives had made a sort of makeshift council to try lead the clan. However, the council was very weak and often found itself fixing one mess or another.

Then, there was the lack of respect. Often, new recruits found themselves getting pushed around by some seperate group within the clan or another. A lot of these members would be unable to complete tasks properly.

And finaĺly, there was earth. Specifically, the U.S. government of it. They appeared to be a lot stronger, having sent spies into the station, acting as recruits. They had better technologies, suck as small, space kitted vehicles that could bombard the station at any given moment, a clever hacking system that let them hack into our comms.

However, the clan had been able to re-work some of its communication systems. And there were several new protocols in place to help new recruits get used to the clan. I finished my meal before heading to my room to get ready.


I walked into the hallway, ready for the recruitment ceremony. It was simple: You walk up to whoever was assigned to give you your hat (in this case, it was a man with a light top hat and golden hair) and bow down while he says something to do with initiation. Then, the hat is placed on your head and you become part of the clan.

However, just as the hat was about to be placed on my head, I heard a crash. Next thing I knew, people were screaming and I was on the floor. I heard several gunshots and voices yelling. Then, I heard silence. I opened my eyes and saw several toppats holding their guns at several government soldiers. The soldiers appeared to be holding some toppats hostage. Behind them, the window was sealed off, as it usually would if broken. And in front of the window, was a government pod.

I got up, only to be pulled away by my mother and Austin. The pod appeared to be opening up. Out of it, came 2 figures. One of them had a pair of damaged headphones and a pistol. The other was a figure with cybernetics from his legs, to his face. His eye was just like right hand man's, except for the colour. It shone a bright, menacing jade. I couldn't clearly see who this figure was, but I didn't need to. I heard my mother say the name.

Ellie: Henry?

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