Chapter 14: Fire, a fountain and Dave

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I woke up, sweating and shivering. Finding my throat dry, I went over to the bathroom to get a plastic cup. I walked in, unable to see due to darkness, and made my way to the mirror.

I gripped around for the handle of the cubboard when I was blinded by blue light. It was just a second, but it felt like years. When my vision returned, I looked at the mirror. Something appeared off though. My eyes were blue. Shining bright blue. My face was lit up from the light, as though it was blue fire.

I put a hand up to my face, only to find a white visible stroke apperering from my fingertips whenever I moved them. I moved my hand left. The white streaks followed the direction. I moved my hand right. The streaks followed.

I put my hand on my eye and felt a pleasant coolness. The light illuminated through the cracks of my fingers. The whole room was painted in the bright blue glow.

Then, the light went out. Everything was pitch black. I turned the bathroom light on and looked at the glass. There was still a faint blue hue in the centre of the mirror that was fading.

Hannah: What the...?

I found it confusing, how what had just happened, happened. The light, the brightness in my eyes, the streaks. I grabbed my cup, still pondering, and went out of my room.

Eventually, I reached the fountain. Pouring my water, I pondered what I had experienced. None of it made sense. I checked the cup, only to find it empty.

Hannah: Typical. Bloody fountain broken again.

I slammed my hand on the top, only for the machine to let out a groan. Then, after a load of clanking and grinding, the machine turned off.

Hannah: Great! Just GREAT!

This was one of those annoying things about the station. Often times, fountains and other machines malfunctioned. It was honestly infuriating.

???: Hey! What are you up to?

I jumped, looking around to see who it was that was there. From the shadows, emerged a figure.

Hannah: Dave?

Dave: Oh, it's you. Sorry if I disturbed you.

Hannah: Oh no it's alright. I'm just trying to get the stupid water fountain to work.

Dave: Well what's the problem?

Hannah: It doesn't dispense water. And I heard some weird noises coming from it.

I put my cup under and pressed the button. The machine whirled and clunked a bit before turning off again.

Dave: Oh I know how to fix this. Just give me a moment.

He set down a box he'd been carry, revealing all the tools he had. Standing back, I watched him drill, unscrew and rewire the different parts of the machine.

Dave: You're Ellie's daughter, correct?

Hannah: Yeah.

He continued fiddling around with the bits and bobs inside the machine.

Dave: Well, I have to say, you may look like your mother. But really, you're your father, through and through.

Hannah: What do you mean?

Dave: I mean, you're brave, you're tactiful and you're quite clever. And you're also a wanderer.Just like him. You know, I often would end up having to direct Henry to his room when he was too drunk to walk properly. Good times those were, good times.

There was a few seconds of silence before, he pooped his head back up.

Dave: All done. Was quite the dust storm in there.

I put my cup under the tap and pressed the button. Water flowed out as swiftly as could be. I picked my cup back up before looking at him.

Hannah: Thanks Dave.

Dave: No problem uhhhh....

Hannah: It's Hannah.

Dave: Well Hannah, you should be heading back to your room. Wouldn't want to be caught out this late at night now would you?

Hannah: Kay, bye Dave.

Dave: Bye.

I walked over to the direction of my room, drinking my water and thinking back on what he had said. I thought back on what everyone had said about my dad. RHM praised him. Other toppats looked up to him. Dave thought of him in a friendly manner. Even Austin's parents thought somewhat highly of him.

I closed the door behind me, putting the cup into the bin, and climbed into my bed. I closed my eyes, hoping tomorrow would give answers when, out of the darkness, I heard something. It was a hissing sound. Almost like a snake.

Or a fuse.

His daughter (Sequel to intertwined fates)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ