Chapter 17: The Resistance

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"The Resistance:

The Resistance is a group of the most elite of government and non government members, designed to put end to the raining tirany of general Alisson Galeforce. Many of it's members are (or have been) outcast by the government due to allegations (of treason, terrorism etc) made by the general. The goal of the resistance is simple: re-establish the hopefulness of the government.

I read through 3 pages, detailing different aspects of "The Resistance". I looked back at Dan who simply nodded.

Hannah: Wait, is that what your dad meant when he said others?

Daniel: Yeah. I mean, if you met the bitch of a woman you'd probs wanna leave the government too. I mean, she blows most of the public taxpayers money on her own interests. And she outright undermines the law.

Hannah: Oh I've met Alice alright. That's why I have this.

I pulled back my sleeve, showing him the metal plating of my arm. His face lit up in shock at the sight.

Daniel: What in the fuck? How bad does it have to be that you need a new arm? And you're still here...? What's your name?

Hannah: Oh, it's Hannah. Hannah Rose Stickmin.

The shocked expression on his face widened. He looked like a sheet if paper.

Daniel: Stickmin? The Stickmin? As in....His child?

Hannah: Well, yeah.

Daniel: Well then that's good. We've been trying to get the clan to join us and stop Alice. Do you know any entrances of the station?

Hannah: No. First, why would the clan help you? The government and the toppat clan are enemies. Secondly, I have barely stepped outside of the station all my life.

Daniel: Oh. But I mean, you could convince them.

Hannah: That's easier said then done. But then, I could try.

Just as Dan was about to say something, his ear began buzzing. He pressed a finger on his earlobe and I heard a faint voice coming through.

Dan: What's that? Ohh, yeah I got it. Yeah, yeah. No, no problems. I'll be on the way doc.

Hannah: Who was that?

Dan: Just one of the older nurses calling for some assistance.

Hannah: Oh okay.

I sat there, knowing I would most likely have nothing to do for as long as I stayed here.

Dan: If ya feel bored, remember there'll be a party tonight. Here's an invite. Everyone's gonna be invited.

I took the pink and yellow slip of paper in his hands, reading the text.

To all resistance residents,

Due to a majority of victories a for the resistance, along with combined planning from the past few weeks, we are happy to announce a small celebration night for all residents. For more info about this, visit the resistance board for extra info.

Time: 11:24pm-2:40am

Hannah: Wow, thanks Da-

I looked up, only to see there was nobody there. Brushing it off, I took a look around the room for anything that could tell me the time. I looked inside the drawers and found a small pocket watch with Roman numerals. I read each number, finally figuring out the time: 9:02pm. Next, I looked around the drawers for something to wear, finding nothing.

As I was looking through, a sudden burst of blue took over my vision. The room looked...different. There was blue light everywhere. In front of me, was a figure. A figure with tall posture. One who wore a cape over a suit. A figure who adorned a nothing but the suit and cape. His skin was purple. He had his back turned to me, gazing into the distance.

???: I've been expecting you...Hannah......

His daughter (Sequel to intertwined fates)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant