Chapter 15: Charles returns.

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I looked at the corner of the room where, I saw a small round object producing steam. The room would've been filled, had the door not been open. I walked over and saw, it was a smoke bomb. One that had been used. It was a light green with the logo of the government on it.

Just as was about to pick it up and turn it off, I heard a creak from under the bed. I jumped, looking towards the bed and seeing a green cloth protruding from under the bed. I inched closer to the bed then, put the used smoke bomb under.

Immediatly, there was movement. A figure emerged from beneath and pulled out a strange stick. There was a flash of light, causing me to look away. I looked back and saw they had just got out of the door.

Hannah: Hey!

I followed the figure out into the hallway. They must've made quite the racket because more and more toppats were apperering in the figures path. They somehow dodged everyone. Eventually, I caught up with them in the cafeteria. Toppats were coming from all sides.

The figure's cloak waved a bit and I saw, for a brief moment, a bit if red. Then, I heard a loud and monstrous noise. Everyone was moving aside as something was coming.

I moved aside as well, and saw the Right hand man whizz past, having turned his legs into a kind of mini jet engine. He stopped right in front of the figure and, turning his arm into a large blade, swung for their head. The figure dodged, before pulling out a taser and a small bag.

They fired a taser shot which RHM dodged. Then, they used a knife to cut the bag open and poured out the contents: small, metal balls, round flat c4s and 3 smoke bombs that went off instantly. The smoke made it impossible to see and the explosives were all over the floor.

Then, I heard the c4 go off. Shards of metal from the balls were flying everywhere. The smoke made it hard to see. But it was clearing quickly.

???: Stop. Stay back or I'll shoot!

The crowds stood back from where the figure was. I made my too the front, seeing my mother on her knees with her hands on her head. She appeared bruised with a gun at her head. The trigger was held by the figure.

???: Take a step and she gets it! I mean it!

From where I was, I could see RHM a few steps away from the 2. He appeared furious with a cold expression of rage on his face. The figure pulled my mother up and the gun under her neck. From where I was, I could see a peice of what appeared to be headphones.

RHM: You let go of her. RIGHT NOW!

???: Back! BACK I SAY! You toppats will be bought to justice. You will follow my demands. I require the military cyborg you stole to be brought to the escape pods. He and I will go down to earth without fuss. Failure from anyone...

He pointed the gun at the crowd.

???:...ANYONE, will result in her death.

He pressed the barrel deeper onto her neck. The other toppats began whispering, deciding what to do.

Time appeared to slow down again, this time, when the options appeared, a timer came up above me. Not sure what the timer meant, I saw it run out.

Charles: Alright! You've had long enough.

I saw him pull the trigger. My mother's head was gone in a splatter of red.

Hannah: NOOOOO!

Time froze as the fail screen popped up.

Fail screen: Do something! We don't have the time to wait around.

I pressed retry. Looking at the options, I found it to be a diamond, like the one I had found, and run with a figure running. I swiped at run and instantly felt a rush of adrenalin. I began to run forwards.

Charles: HEY!

I saw the gun fire, as the bullet came extremely close to my face. The fail screen popped up again and I ignored the message. Now, with no other choice, I swiped a hand at diamond. In my hand was, the diamond, with a small green chip thing on it. There wasn't much I could do other then press the red button. Without even thinking, I chucked the small diamond at the guy, pressing the red button as I let go.

(A/N If you know, you know.😏)

In mid air, the diamond grew, getting closer to the guy's head. He dodged, dropping my mother, and attempted to shoot me. Before he could, the RHM had him pinned down, gun out of his hand. However, he had another trick up his sleeve. He put one of his hands on RHM's arm. The RHM went limp, allowing the guy to push passed him.

Reginald: Right!

Crowds passed as Reginald ran over to RHM who was buzzing from the electric shock. The guy, amongst the chaos, slipped into the crowds. I ran after him, determined to not let him get away.

After a bit of running, I caught up with him at the escape pods. I tackled him before he could reach one and, grabbing the taser he had on him, shocked him.

Charles: Argh!

Hannah: You can stay silent.

Charles: Can you at least listen to me? I want to say something.

I stood there, stunned at what he could have to say.

His daughter (Sequel to intertwined fates)Where stories live. Discover now