Chapter 6: Revelation

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I walked into the old nursery room I had once inhabited. I walked over to a crib labelled " H.R.S." and looked towards the door. From here I saw multiple drawers. Some were cracked. Others had mould on them. And a few were even missing. I began looking through the drawers, hoping that it was still there.

Hannah: C'mon....c'mon.....where is it?

In one of the drawers I found something odd. The drawer was cracked and mouldy and contained a small dusty diamond. Picking it up, I found it was really light. I decided to pocket it in case it would mean something.

The next drawer down and I found what I was looking for. The key appeared dusty and there was a letter in there as well. It read "A=B, B=A". On the other side were two sentences. One of complete nonsense and the other one was a sentence that said "This is the correct term.". I thought about it before realizing.

Apparently, every letter with even number placement in the alphabet would be swapped with closest forward odd. And visa versa. I thought back to my dad's file and how there had been gibberish on it.

I pocketed the key and ran to the tophats room. I grabbed the file and wrote all the gibberish down onto a peice of paper. Then I ran into the strange room and grabbed the book.

First I decoded the gibberish untill it made a long letter. The letter read:

To whoever has cracked this code,

You have stumbled upon my secrets. Secrets I have kept hidden for a while. You may now have a small, black, leather book with a lock. You may also have a diamond.

Please note that I have made this puzzle with knowledge that I will receive a terrible misfortune in the future. You will find out where I am, what this room is and where I was last.

For better understanding of the book, please put the diamond into a slot in this room. I hope you can figure it out.


Henry S. Stickmin

I put the key in the book and opened. Inside was a large sheet of paper which fell out. This paper quickly flew over to a wall. Opposite the wall was a hole, able to fit a diamond. I put the diamond in and waited.

Suddenly, the diamond slid back into the wall. A platform rose from the floor and pooped out what appeared to be a camera. Then, a light turned on and the paper had a projection on it. I opened the book and found there to be a password on the first page. Looking at the screen, I saw it required a password. I put in the password and the screen went black.

Then it showed a figure. The figure was in front of a jail cell. He appeared to be escaping a prison. Then the scene changed. It showed him in front of a museum, holding a larger version of the diamond I had found. Another change and it showed the figure in front of the toppat airship. He appeared to be chasing Mr Copperbottom.

At the end it showed the figure being made leader. That's when I realised this was my father. Continuing the projected video the screen again blacked out. I saw my dad again. This time he was on some kind of scooter. As he rode away from a sort of prison complex he got caught by Mr Copperbottom on the airship.

Reginald: I just wanted to look you in the eyes as I took it all back. Goodbye.

With that my father was thrown into the waters below. Everything blacked out before he appeared yet again. This time he was in front of Reginald with cybernetics. Reginald seemed to be wearing a kind of headset. He took the set off and left the room.

I felt something strange happening around me. Looking at the room, I saw the walls were bending. The projection light came on again. However now, I was in the scene. I saw many figures. Government and Toppat alike. In the chaos I saw over to my right was 2 figures. My dad, with cybernetics, was fighting off some soldiers. Meanwhile my mother was next to him, taking out any threats creeping up on my dad.

Just as they were taking out a few last soldiers, a helicopter came up behind the two of them. It was carrying some kind of magnet which must've been active as my dad was getting pulled towards it. He sprouted metal wings from his back and, with my mother, both his behind a large thick brick wall. They looked at each other while my dad was being pulled by the magnet. My dad spoke into what must've been an earpiece, as most of the toppats were beamed up.

Ellie: No!I can't leave without you.

Henry: Ellie please listen. You may think I can be saved. But there's no over way. My capture is inevitable. Just go!

Ellie: I won't leave without you!

Henry: Ellie...please...

He appeared to be begging now.

Henry: Promise me. That you'll keep her safe. That you'll keep Hannah happy.

Ellie: Henry I..

Henry: Please. Promise me.

I saw the fear in my mother's eyes and the sorrow in my father's.

Ellie: I promise.

With that, my mother was beamed up. Just as she was, my dad was pulled through the wall and into the magnet. The chopper flew off as soldiers began leaving. Then the screen went black. I was surounded by utter darkness.

Ellie: HANNAH!!?

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