Chapter 21: Power out

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My mind stayed everywhere, but my plate. I had no idea what was on the plate. All I could taste was a mixture of spicy wet food entering my mouth.

My attention was brought back to reality as I heard the clatter and smash of a plate. From where I sat, I saw two teenage boys, about 14-15, fighting over who would take the blame for the broken plate. One was fat, wearing a grey jacket and baggy jeans, the other being tall and lanky with a sleeveless shirt.

Boy 1: It's not my fault you decided to hold the plate on a single finger.

Boy 2: You were the one that pushed me!

Boy 1: I told you, I was just walking! You were in the way!

Boy 2: So what? I'm at fault here!?

All eyes turned to the two arguing.

Boy 1: You got a bowl of soup, AND an extra helping of pasta! Of course it's your fucking fault you dumbass cunt!

???: Ahem.

In the doorway, stood Rupert, bags under his eyes. He looked irritated and twitchy.

Rupert: Well, what's going on here?

The entire room stayed silent. Two people coughed, but that was all.

Rupert: Well, considering I saw you two yelling....

He looked towards the two boys.

Rupert:'s only fair you two take a penalty. You...

He pointed at the lanky one.

Rupert: Clean the mess. And you, can get on your knees and help him. I'll see you two in my office at 10pm.

He tossed a towel, walking out the door grumbling, and shut it. The two boys got down, cleaning as much as they could. After 10 seconds, the cafeteria was bustling with noise again.

I scraped the last of my meal, before walking over to the disposal area and dropping my tray, plate and cutlery in. I walked out of the cafeteria, going to the one place I knew Dan would be: The games room.

Hannah: Hey Daniel.

Dan: Oh, hey Han.

I sat down next to him, picking up a controller. The screen flashed with the words "VICTORY" in neon red and lime. I disconnected the wire attached to my controller, and turned it on, ready to play.

Dan: Anything happen while I was gone?

Hannah: Nothing much. Some kids got in a fight. Rupert sorted them out.

Dan: What he made 'em do?

Hannah: Just clean a mess. He also said he wanted to see them in his office.

Dan: They must've fucked up bad.

Hannah: Tell me about it.

I pressed the buttons, trying not to get off a large platform. Daniel appeared to have gotten up on a ledge. I saw an opportunity, throwing a poison grenade at him. His character jumped, causing him to fall down into the river.

Dan: Oi! What the foul play for?

Hannah: Don't expose yourself then.

I tossed another grenade which stuck to his character's face.

Dan: Aw he'll nah! I'm taking you down with me.

His character ran towards mine, blowing us both up. I jumped into the air, using my special ability to launch myself higher.

Just as I was about to pull out a stun launcher, the screen turned black. The lights went out as several people, who were walking, fell over. I felt Daniel grab my arm, letting me know he was still there. I heard a thud as a figure fell beside Daniel. I recognized him from the outline of his headphones.

Charles: Daniel. Hannah. You two alright?

Hannah: Yeah we're fine.

Daniel: Dad, what's going on?

Charles: I don't know. All I know is that somebody messed with the power sytem, and now there's been a blackout. Hold on...

I heard him thumble around in his coat pocket. Then, the room illuminated with a torch light. I could see there was about 60-90 people in the room, all with expressions of fear, surprise, and confusion. Then, we heard something from the speakers.

Rupert: Attention all! Due to some complications, we have lost power within the facility. It is therefore the best interests of all who are here, to get to back their rooms immediatly. Flashlights can be found at the back of every room.

We heard noises, as people at the back of the room, opened a cubboard and pulled out 3 boxes. Each box had plenty of flashlights in them, enough for the entire room, with some to spare. I grabbed 2, passing one to Daniel.

Then, the three of us walked, splitting off at an intersection as I made my way to my room. I entered, finding Daniel there. Confused, I walked over and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

Hannah: What are you doing here?

Daniel: Well, you know the corridor leading the stairs?

Hannah: Yeah? What about it?

Daniel: Well, my room is up there, but there's been some kind of accident. Rubble everywhere, the railing on the stair is in peices. Looks like someone threw a grenade in there.

Hannah: Do you know what happened?

Daniel: Nah. I've been told by my dad to come here and stay. I tried telling him I could help but he wouldn't hear it.

Hannah: Well, there is a mattress under my bed. You could use that.

Daniel: Thanks. I'm getting it already. Give me a little help?

I got down next to him, helping him pull out the mattress. There was also a small bag, containing a blanket, and pillow. We set the mattress up at the corner of the room, opisite my bed, as he took the bag.

As I sat down against the bed frame, my only thought was of the next days mission. Sure, I would be with the clan again, and get back to my dad, but, I realized as I stared into the darkness, how would she react upon seeing me? Upon seeing Daniel's father? She didn't know about the resistance either so by her knowledge, I was kidnapped by the government.

I decided not to think too much about it as I pulled the blanket over myself.

His daughter (Sequel to intertwined fates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora