2: Curiosity

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『••"Tommy felt a wave of anxiety come over him, so he stood up and walked inside his house."••』


As I carefully stepped around the creaky, misplaced floorboards, i trail off into my room and lie on my bed, surrounded by a bubble of my own thoughts.
What just happened? Was that a- a person? Am i going to be okay? My brain keeps asking itself questions, although i may never get the answer. As the last couple of thoughts i could remember slowly slip away, so does my consciousness.

this point on is a nightmare
tw: claustrophobia? tell me if i missed something

I open my eyes to see a small room with a- perfectly centered window, like my neighbor across the street's house. All of a sudden, i hear banging from the wall and a ghostly pale face in the window trying to get inside my little room. Then i hear shattering glass and an ear piercing scream.

back to irl

I wake up in a cold sweat, quickly sitting up and looking for my phone. I finally find it, under my blankets, and swiftly check the time. 3:12 AM. "How am i going to fall back asleep!" i whisper-shout at myself. I stand up, my legs shaky, to my window. I carefully look through my blinds, and avoid looking at the house across the street- but curiosity gets the best of me and i glance over to the window. Empty? That can't be.. I sit on my windowsill, sort of using it as a bench, and start sketching. Line here, and there, circle here, triangle over there, another few lines... Done!

like this kinda

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like this kinda

I add more details, but I can't see how it'll turn out so I end up throwing my paper away into my small trashcan. Then from the corner of my eye, I see a flicker. Obviously i look over, and i see another flicker in the window across the street. Then, a paper flies up against the neighbor's window, which i can surprisingly read. The paper says the following: "Draw a few lines towards the bottom as arms." What the fuck- are they stalking me? I search around in boxes that i've stacked near my bed for a flashlight.. here's one! I also grab paper out of the same box, and run over to my window. I quickly scribble some words onto the paper: "Who are you?" and towards the bottom, "Are you stalking me?" I hold up the paper to my window and flicker my flashlight so they would notice my paper. As i expected, i see what resembles a head turning to see what that was. I wait a few moments for an answer and after about 2 minutes i get a response: "Name's Wilbur. And no, i'm not stalking you." We exchange a few more "messages" along the lines of who we were and stuff like that before i hold up a paper that says "Come outside tommorow at 12:00 PM." I see what looks like a head nodding through the other window and notice the blinds close. I do the same, closing my blinds and laying down. But what i didn't notice was the sky turning a light lavender shade, which meant it was day. Dang it! I also heard some talking downstairs, hopefully it's my parents. (lmao) After listening into their conversation, i confirm its my parents, and decide to go downstairs and make myself breakfast.

i know this chapter isn't very long, i'm really sorry, but i wanted to get something out before i was busy. i really like this chapter and i hope you do too!!

much love, boop.❤️

(not updating anytime soon) 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝗈𝗒 𝖨𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗐Where stories live. Discover now