8. School?

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guys.. i got vaccinated today. not for covid, unfortunately, but i think it was polio, hep a, hep b, and some other one. i know you guys don't care but idk.. fun fact👄

『•• "Sure. I'll see you at school tomorrow!"

"See you!" ••』

So it turns out i talked to Wilbur for an hour and a half. I couldn't believe it the first time i checked, but yep. It felt like 30 minutes! Time really does fly. Back to what i was going to say, it's still Sunday.

It's 4:18 PM, i slept for maybe 5 hours and 40 minutes? Now i have to unpack, because if i don't unpack today i'll be exhausted when i try doing it Monday or Tuesday. Also, remember the bite on my arm and the *severely* bruised shins? Yeahhh.. that's not gonna be fun.

Okay. First, attempt to take all of my shit out of the top box on the stack of boxes, and put it all where it needs to go.

time skip because i just farted

FINALLY! I'm done unpacking all my boxes, it took 1h 27m, and only a few injuries. Surprisingly, my bruises and bites and shit didn't hurt too bad. Now i've got to text Tubbo.


Big T
hola señor tubsters


Big T
please never call me that ever again




Big T
well i got bit in the arm until i bled earlier today and i got my shins kicked purple, but other than that i'm pretty good aswell

what happened? what kinda.. situation were you in?

Big T
i was hanging out with one of my friends and then this kid ran over because i laughed at him and beat us to dust

are you okay now?

Big T
i guess, it hurts a lot but i'm okay right this second

get well soon

Big T
thank you tubbo
i'm going to the ✨new✨ school tommorow

tommy go to big boy school and learn big boy math

Big T
i don't know why i have to go to a private school with some dumbass uniform

i heard that private schools have good food

Big T
is your hearing okay because it's most likely terrible

well actually it isn't, remember the time where you sprayed me in my ear with the squirt gun for an "experiment"

Big T
totally didn't do that

mhm, sure. i've gotta go eat dinner, bye bye tom!

Big T
you and your very early dinners. bye bye toob!


I think i'm gonna play Animal Crossing.

I grab my docked switch from my shelf and turn it on.

time skip lmao i can't think of anything

It's now 11:52 PM. Right now is a great time to remember that i don't know when to wake up tommorow or when i'm coming home.

Oh yeah, i have parents. They can wake me up. I'm kind of excited!

I close my eyes tightly, hoping to easily drift off. Nope. Too much energy. Of course. As soon as i'm about to give up hope, i fall asleep to a dream about me pulling hair out of a hairbrush.. for some reason.

(i actually did have that dream a few nights ago)

"Tom, wake up!" Dad says.

"What?" -T

"It's time for you to get ready for school!" -D(eez NUTS)

"Oh. Yeah."

I don't really have to get dressed today, so i put on a jacket, socks, shoes, and fix my hair before i go downstairs to the living room. I ask my parents for another yogurt, because yesterday i thought it wasn't too bad. I head back upstairs and grab my phone. I text Wilbur.

(this text format is so tiring to type out D:)


Big T
heading out. is there anything i should bring? can i have my phone there?

i don't think there's anything you should bring. they put a ban on phones last week because some kid made a tiktok in the bathroom and somehow, "someone" (totally not a camera in the bathroom) caught them.

Big T
do they actually have cameras in the bathroom??

yeah, though i'm pretty sure it's illegal to do that. 1 thing to bring: an empty bladder

Big T
thank you wilby

thy hath been welcomed, big t


"Tom, it's time to go!"

I run down the stairs, the loud creak of the old boards echoing loudly throughout the empty house. I jump into our car with my backpack on.

yes, the car is a cadillac. i wanted to make you guys happy.

The school is a short 10 minute drive from our house, so we get there in no time.

"And we're here!" My dad shouts a LITTLE too loudly.


YEP, a CLIFFHANGER. HAHA >:). i'm really excited for next chapter, it should come out either tonight if i have time, but i'm gonna be pretty busy the 3rd and 4th. love you all go eat or something❤️❤️🕺✨

(not updating anytime soon) 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝗈𝗒 𝖨𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗐Where stories live. Discover now