13. Dreams, Dream, and Douches

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writers block for a couple weeks but i'm back because of the simpsons
⚠️⚠️⚠️TW: YELLING, FIGHTING, TOXICITY. if you're triggered by any of this either quit reading or dm me for a summary of this chapter⚠️⚠️⚠️

also no recap vecause i don't wanna copy paste it basically he just got home

We unpacked all of our things! How does it look?" Dad asks.

"I think it looks good." I say. "Can i go lay down? I'm exhausted, again."

"Yeah, fine. School must be really exhausting if you come home every day and lay down, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, i'm fine. Love you."

"Love you Toms."

I walk upstairs, dragging my feet behind me. It's now around 4:30 i think, i haven't checked the time. I flop onto my bed, instantly getting sleepy. I fall asleep, and this happens.

dream from now till the next a/n

I'm in school again, in the freshman hallway. There aren't any clocks around, so i can't tell what time it is. It seems around mid-day, and i have to be in class right now. My classroom door is locked, so i pull on it harder. It still doesn't open, and at this point 2 people come over to me. I feel anxious. I turn around and see Mr. Harrison, and... oh my god. It was Mr. Manifold. He was the one in my other dream. Yelling at me and hitting me.

"Wait.. T-Thomas?" He asks.

"Ye-" I get cut off by the principal.

"Why aren't you in class!?" He yells.

"Sir, it's okay, give him a chance." Mr. Manifold says.

"No. He's been here playing around in the hallways all day. He needs to be in class. He needs to be successful. Now get the hell into class!"

"I can't!" I say.

"Why not!? It's easy. Open the door. Jack, what is wrong with him? That freak."

I'm sat against the door, knees to my chest, tears coming out of my eyes, my head feeling like it's spinning, i feel like i can't control my body, my stomach and head hurt as i'm covering my ears because their yelling is escalating with every word. The principal storms back to his office.

"It's okay Tom. We'll get this sorted out." Mr. Manifold says, rubbing circles on my back. "We just need you to get in class. Okay?"

"I-I can't. The door was locked. I don't know how i got here. Help."

"Tom, we're dreaming. Wake up. Pinch yourself or something, maybe you'll wake up."

I listen, and pinch my forearm.


What the fuck was that? My alarm is going off, i get out of bed and turn it off. I look down and see myself, still in the uniform. I guess that's one way to get ready.

I go to the bathroom, brush my hair and comb my teeth (yes i typed it like that before i realized what i said), and go downstairs. Today i don't get anything to eat, and get on the bus. I sit next to Wilbur and Fundy, Niki and Ranboo on the other side. Dream sits behind our seat, begging for attention.

(not updating anytime soon) 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝗈𝗒 𝖨𝗇 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖶𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗐Where stories live. Discover now