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Torres' POV

After that disturbing conversation with Ellie, and once we were out of range of Gibbs' and the others' eyesight, I picked Ellie up, bridal style, and dashed to her house in DC just a mere 2 seconds. She blinked, ensuring that it wasn't a dream, and led me up to her bed, where we snuggled in. She was literally close to tears when she was meticulously inspecting me, ensuring for the hundredth time that I was fine, then pulled the covers over us, then she fell into an unconscious state, ever so peacefully.

The next day, I found out that I didn't even sleep, not even for a nanosecond, just the same thing as the motel. While I was admiring Ellie while she was asleep, but she woke up at about 5 in the morning. When she stirred, I tapped her gently on the back, and she groggily sat up and slurred,

'Hey, morning.'


'Why are you up so early?' She managed to stifle a yawn.

'I didn't even need to sleep!'

'What?' She snapped up, drowsiness completely gone.


'Wow! This must be nice! Finishing up all paperwork before Gibbs even finishes his, be more stealthier than Gibbs is, scaring him out of his mind for the first time, then take down baddies in a flash, without them really knowing, never firing a gun when being a cop, who knows when you will be accused of shooting an unarmed man?'

She chuckled.

'Yeah, I suppose that's cool...'

'What about we search up this symptom of yours.'

'Sure! I wanna know about it too!'

Then we started to surf the internet, as it was a Sunday, which was a day off from work. We searched and searched about my 'symptoms', as she likes to call it, but we came up with nada, nothing at all. Then I suggested to her that we should search up mythical creatures, as Wilhelmina was stunningly beautiful, like out of this world beautiful. Wikipedia showed different kinds of creatures, from the harmless elves to the cruelest, savage beasts. Finally, at the bottom of the page, the page about vampires popped up. We eagerly jammed together around the computer monitor, and gasped. What we both saw was a photo of a vampire, which was exactly like the changes that I had went through these days! Ocher-coloured irises, cleared senses, increased speed, wow, I guess that the woman was a vampire. So what am I exactly now? My heart sank as I read the part about a vampire spreading its venom. 'The vampire's venom spreads through a human's blood vessels to the heart, circulating throughout the whole body when oneself gets bitten by a vampire, even once, and the person becomes a newborn, which is the start of a vampire life. They are faster and stronger than your usual vampire, with more strength and more dangerous abilities.' I was very anxious after reading that. What if I accidentally release all my rage upon the NCIS team, and turned all of them to vampires? Even Ellie? When Ellie saw my troubled look, she tried to calm me down verbally, but that didn't work, so she suggested the thing that would usually make women happy, which was the s-word. We went back to her room and started to make out.

Ellie's POV

After unsuccessfully trying to calm Nick down, I came up with a plan, to calm him down using seduction, which I didn't even dare to do with my ex-boyfriends. I led him to my room, and we hid under the covers, and was rudely interrupted by the noise of my hungry stomach growling. Nick told me that he would be back with food, and what I didn't expect was him bringing livestock and cooking it for me to eat. Then the day passed like a flash. 

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