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Time flies...

Renesmee and Wolfgang are 5, Nick and Ellie are happily married after an extraordinary proposal from Nick and bought a new house in Los Angeles, joined the Office of Special Projects in Los Angeles. They are planning to have another kid, this time hoping to turn a full vampire.

Nick's POV

One day trouble came knocking on our door. Yeah, it literally knocked on our door. Carlisle walked into our new house, admiring the details and the ornaments, but he kept a strict face the whole time. As I was about to question him about the real reason that he was here in our house, he brought disturbing news, well, very disturbing news.

'Ellie, Nick, did you know that the twins are half-borns?'

'No, what are half-borns?' I asked him quizzically.

'Well, they are a mix between the two worlds, which in this case, half human and half vampire. '

What? We had Half-borns?

Carlisle spoke again,' This time you might not be so lucky. The Elders, or Volturi are coming to determine the kids' fate. If you win, you get to keep the kids, but if they win, the kids will be in mortal peril.'

'So how do we need to prepare for this?' Ellie asked.

'I think that sending you to a vamp training camp should be necessary. Don't fret though, no one fails the camp, because, I am thinking to send you to the Cullens' training camp, which starts right now.'

He held our hands and led us to their house.

Ellie's POV

First things first, when you see the Cullens' house, you will recognise it very quickly, as it was built Roman style, like it had been through Romanisation, and second, it's as large as a mansion. The pearly white structure was hidden in the forest, invisible to those who don't look carefully through the trees. Carlisle invited us into the house, which was stunning. There was a large grand piano, a C7 Steinway and Sons Piano, as I had forgotten to mention that I am an qualified musician, only given up due to the shortage of money. I looked further along the house, no, mansion, and saw that there were dozens of antiques, for example the frowning statue of Caracalla, a whole set of the oldest edition of Harry Potter and pottery from the Ancient Greco-Roman Civilisation. There was even 12 life sized statues of the 12 Olympians. With a whoosh, the rest of the Cullen family appeared. Carlisle introduced us to them one by one.

'Alice, Ellie and Nick. Ellie and Nick, Alice.' The shortest member of the family with dark hair cut like a pixie's waved cheekily at us, she really looked like a cheeky pixie!

'Emmett, Ellie and Nick. Ellie, Nick, Emmett.' The stockiest and burliest of the vampires nodded in our direction, acting cool, if you didn't look closely, you might think that he was a statue.

'Rosalie, Ellie and Nick. Ellie, Nick, Rosalie.' The blonde waved at the both of us and her lips curled into a small smile.

'Jasper, Ellie and Nick. Nick, Ellie, Jasper.' The vamp with the chin length blonde hair nodded,  just like Emmett did.

'Edward, Ellie and Nick. Nick, Ellie, Edward.' The vamp with bronze coloured locks shook out hands.

'Last but not least, my wife Esme. Esme, Ellie and Nick.' Esme smiled and shook both of our hands.

'Now look here, Ellie and Nick are newborns, and they are in desperate needs of training, since they had children, two to be exact, and they need to pass the elders' examination, as both of them are half-bloods.'

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