Ch 11

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Aro and his men dashed towards us, and that's when I realised that we were outnumbered by 10 to 1. Bella was shouting instructions to me, which made me wanna kill her.

'Groot slap! Scarlet! Poseidon! Groot drag, Groot squeeze! Aim for the head! Scarlet Scarlet Scarlet! Els! Nightlight!'

I was dumbfounded by the wordings at first, but I then realised that it was a command. Scarlet was fireball, Poseidon was earth shake, Groot was the control over trees, and Els was my ice ability, and Nightlight was blinding the enemies.

I tree-slapped, tree-dragged, fire-balled, glowed, floor quakes, and water tided, and soon half the enemy vampires were dead. I had burned them, ensure that they were really dead. But we were still outnumbered by 5 to 1, and we were starting to get tired. Bella's shield was started to collapse, and it really was the shield that helped us against the enemies' attacks. I was getting worn out, but someone tapped me on the shoulder, and I felt much better. I even had a surge of sudden strength. I looked behind me, and it was Wolfgang! I guess that his vamp ability was acting as an energy drink for the whole team! He ran around the battlefield, zapping strength from the enemies, and supplying them to the Cullens' the other allies. Bella kept the shield up, and I tried a new thing. I tried to concentrate on the snowing ability, and then as I have control over water, I willed the snow to condense right underneath the enemies' footing. Surprisingly, it worked! I also tried out something mines, enhancing fire skills, Renesmee let out a shriek and a howl. I thought that she was hurt, and I rushed over to her and checked her. She said telepathically that she was fine. Soon enough, I saw a group of more than ten silhouettes, very large in size, bound out of the forest.

They howled, and I realised that those were werewolves, which vampires don't get along well with. They were helping us by calling Wolfy reinforcements.

Renesmee ran towards the wolf with khaki fur.

'Jacob! You're here!'

Bella stopped in her tracks.


'Yep, Bella, it's me. Didn't expect to see me, did 'cha?'

'Thanks for helping out!'

'No problemo.'

The wolves charged at Aro and his men, taking down the lieutenant of the Volturi, Jane, tearing her head off and I blasted a fireball at her, then she disappeared in a cloud of dust. Jacob, the werewolf stared at me.

'Wow, who's this chica?'

'Don't call me hot. I am most definitely not hot, and I'm Ellie. And yes, don't ask. I have a husband already. He's right over there.' I looked at Nick, who had just squeezed Aro's second in command, Caius' head off, and I helped him by blasting a fireball in his direction, burning the body. Seeing his best lieutenants dead, his swollen reputation deflated, he started to get scared. He looked at his men, and found out that he was the one outnumbered right now. When he turned back to us all, he was shocked. Everyone was engulfed in a shield made of scarlet fire, and I was the only one outside the shield, glowing, not of light, but I was like a life sized fireball, but without igniting or blowing up. I expanded the fire shield, forming a wall between me and the other ally vamps. I summoned two fireballs, which made the whole household and the trees glow scarlet. I asked Aro if he wanted to yield or not, apparently he was too scared of me, so he gave up. I snarled,

'Never touch our attempt to hunt for my kids and the kids of the Cullen household or any kids. They don't deserve it. Do you understand me?'

He nodded, and swore on his life that he won't do that again, and I let him go. As I saw him leave, I had a cheeky idea of teaching him a lesson. I made a fireball, threw it like a volleyball, and blew at it. The fire ball divided into the exact number that I wanted, then I sent it to the retreating army. The sparks of fire popped like fireworks on the army's (mostly men) *cough* *cough* private areas *cough* *cough*, and I was positive that Nick wouldn't have approved. I extinguished the firewall, the others stumbled. Actually, my fire just wasn't acting alone. Bella helped me by also casting her shield, in case the Volturi decided to attack.

When the people inside the shield spilled out, I was greeted by cheers,and yells of victory.

'That was cool!' Renesmee exclaimed.

'Nick walked over to me, all business like.

'Hey, Ells, I like to what you did to the gang of Volturi, especially the little parting gift!'

'Thanks! I though I was gonna get skewered by you.'

'Nah, I would never do that. If I skewered the hero, how can we survive? And the answer is 'I don't know', as I am completely useless.'

'Actually, I think that you have a hidden talent in you, I can sense it. You just have to train.'

'Oh, ok. Let's hope that it's not a useless one like being a dog whisperer or an animal whisperer.'

I chuckled, and went back into the Cullen household.

I yelled for Alice, and she appeared, this time wearing a baby blue dress, which suited her.

'Hey, Alice, nice dress!'

'Gee, thanks!'

I whispered,' Hey, is there a way that you could tell me something, for instance what Nick's power is? Cuz I know that he has a hidden potential, but he think that it's gonna be useless. Can you also tell me what the kids' powers are?'

Alice frowned, and looked into the distance.

'Hmm, let me see, I think that Renesmee's power is the ability to twist the truth or anything, and plant the image into a certain person's mind, and help soothe sadness, and could be used to stuff bad images in the enemies' heads, and break their focus. Wolfgang, on the other hand, had the energy like a power drink, so I think that he's a Zapper, which has the ability to zap the enemy of something, literally everything, and fight back. Nick, on the other hand, is almost as powerful as you, he just doesn't know. He can summon those fireballs just like you, and that's what I saw, but I am not so certain about it.'

'Thanks, Alice, how can I repay you?'

'It's not the time yet, I just know.'

'Thanks anyway!'

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