Chapter 1 - Ivy

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I hated this, tonight I was going to be forced onto some male who only wanted me for my powers, I didn't even know how I got them, but I hated them.

I had never been told what they were called, my ability to use the light around me to my advantage. Ever since I had accidentally bent the light from the lamp in my father's office and made myself vanish; he had shut me in this lightless room. I was five then.

I was given food three times a day and I still had things to do, I read and write all day every day as well as learning skills that my father deemed necessary like sewing.

I won't be able to write after today, I will be used as a prize mare. 

"Ivy, I have your dress here." Maria chirped as she unlocked the door and walked into the room.

"How are you so happy?" I asked her glumly.

She was my only friend, she taught me how to read and write and understood how I was feeling most of the time. I knew she had a family here, two sons, but she still treated me as one of her own.

"I'm happy because you are allowed to go out and see a little more of the world." She said with a small smile.

My eyes had become so accustom to the dark that I could see just as well as I could when I had light in my life. I knew that the dress was a bright white, to make me stand out and show off that I was still a virgin.

She helped me into it, and I knew without looking that I was stunning, Maria always knew what looked good on me. I sat in silence as she braided my impossibly long hair, weaving pearls throughout.

"Come on Ivy, let's go and see the world." Maria told me.

Before she could even leave the room, my father walked in, I haven't seen him since that day, my only company has been Maria and my mother had also taken to visiting me one day every week.

"Father," I said tightly, I had no idea what to say but I knew I had to talk first, my one small rebellion.

"Ivy, you know you must find the wealthiest or most powerful male in the room tonight." He said like I hadn't spoken.

"Yes father," I hated every word that left my mouth, they tasted like soap.

He walked over to my and gripped my arm snapping something on my wrist, I let out a hiss of pain. He did the same to my other arm.

"What on earth," I started.

"Ashwood bracelets so you can't use your, gift." He practically spat the last word.

I didn't know how he knew exactly how big my wrists were, but they fitted round my wrists tightly, spikes cutting into my skin where the back of my hand joins my arm.

"Come." He commanded, like I was some dog.

The second we stepped into the light I hissed, my eyes burned, it only got worse as we got closer to the hall, more light filling the streets we walked down.

We walked into the main hall and I knew people where there, but I couldn't see, my vision had become a white dot.

It took about five minutes for my eyes to adjust to light but once they did, I wished I was still blind, the room was crowded, my father was next to me greeting people and I realised why Maria said white would stand out, everyone else was waring black.

My father was talking to the Steward when the doors were flung open and a woman in a revealing red dress strode in.

"Your High Lord approaches, order yourselves." Her voice was commanding, and she sneered at a few people as she walked for the dais that we were stood at the bottom of.

My father took my arm and dragged me away from her, all the way to the back corner of the room. I had no idea what was going on, I knew that the High Lord ruled the land, but I had never seen him.

Power flooded into the room and I flinched. Two winged males strode into the room, both clad in black armour, seven gems imbedded into the black fabric, one wore red, and he smirked like he owned the place, the other had blue and shadows seemed to cling to his wings.

Then a male and female in black darker than I had ever seen appeared, they were arm in arm and looked at no one as they strode for the twin thrones, sitting in unison, everyone fell to their knees and my father pulled me with him.

"Rise, go play." The male commanded.

"Kier, your presence is required," the female added, her voice just as harsh.

My father pulled me to my feet, but we didn't move, I almost felt like he was hiding me.

"We were having an engagement party lord." Keir told the High Lord.

"Bring them to me." He commanded.

My father wordlessly pulled me through the crown, and we stopped at the foot of the dais, he pulled me to my knees as he knelt, but I fell to the side, pulling the spike through my flesh. I tried and failed to hold in my wince.

"What is your name?" the High Lord asked, I didn't dare take my eyes off the floor.

"Oberon Lord," my father replied.

"I was talking to her," was his snarled reply.

I lifted my eyes and saw them both looking down at me, still sat on my hip in the maze of fabric that made up my skirt.

"Ivy Lord," I almost whispered.

"Rise Ivy," he told me, I did as he asked, my father still knelt next to me.

"Morrigan, take her from here." He commanded, not taking his eyes off me.

The woman in red stepped forwards, taking my arm and walking from the room, dragging me next to her out of the hall.

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