Chapter 3 - Ivy

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Morrigan took us up and up until we were above the city in a beautiful white stone palace, it was dark out, but it was a lighter dark than my room, white things hung in the air above us, giving off light.

She let go of my arm and beckoned for me to follow. I did as she asked and she took me to a bedroom, I looked around in awe, it was beautiful, I had no words to describe what I was looking at.

"Why are you wearing ash wood?" She asked, staring at my wrists.

I looked down and saw my blood was seeping into the hem of my sleeve.

"My father thinks I am a freak because of my power." I whispered, eyes on the ground.

"What power do you have?" She asked as she walked over.

She inspected the bracelets before magicking a knife from somewhere and sawing at them.

"I'm not sure." I watched her work, pulling the spike from my wrist then using a little magic to heal the cut.

"Is it truth?" She asked as she cut away the second bracelet and once again healed my wrist.

"No," I looked down, rubbing the area where the bracelets had just been.

"There are clothes in the wardrobe, change then we can talk." Her eyes were soft, such a stark difference to the female who had burst down the door only half an hour before.

'She is The Morrigan, you have heard stories of her.' A voice whispered in my ear.

She walked out and I slipped out of the dress, finding a simple plain dress and pulling it on, thinking over what I had just learned.

As I did so I stared at the light, I could feel it calling to me, like it wanted to play. I ignored it.

"Ivy, are you done?" Morrigan's voice sounded.

"Yes," I called back.

She opened the door and walked back in,

"Come, we can talk in the dining room," she said with a smile, not wanting to disobey her I followed her out of the room.

'Ask her what you want to know, you can trust her.' The voice whispered once more.

"What are the white things?" I asked as we walked, they were so pretty I just needed to know.

"What white things?" she asked, looking around.

"The things floating in the air above us." I replied, pointing through the open celling.

Pure anger coated her face.

"You've never seen the sky?" she half snarled, I flinched.

"No," I whispered.

"The white things are stars, the big off-white thing is the moon, it is night at the moment, in nine hours the bluey black will turn to a bright blue and there will be a massive white disk in the sky, that is the sun." she told me softly, rage still present.

She gestured for me to sit and I did, she sat opposite.

"I've never seen you before," she told me as tea appeared on the table.

"You wouldn't have done; I'm not allowed out of my room because there is light there." I told her.

"Why is light a bad thing?" she asked me, obviously confused.

"I can control it, bend it into anything, when I was five, I accidently made myself invisible. My father threw me into a lightless room that day. Today is the first time I have been out since." I felt so embarrassed, I was talking to one of the High Lord's companions and they had to explain to me what the sky was, it seemed like that would be one of the first things anyone learns.

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