Chapter 12 - Mor

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The next day I took Ivy to sit with Feyre, she was going to write a new book, while I went to end her fathers miserable existence. 

I walked into his dungeon in my Illyrian leathers, ready to cause him pain.

"You hurt my mate," I snarled at him.

He just sneered at me, that was all the confirmation I needed before I began.

His screams were music to my ears, each bit of pain I drew out of him caused him to apologise more and more. 

After a couple of hours he was begging me to stop, to let him live. 

'Are you sure you want him dead?' I asked Ivy down the bond.

'Yes' was her one worded reply, I slit his throat.


I winnowed back to the house to get out of my blood soaked leathers. Changing into some leggings and a jumper before walking to the manor to clear my head.  

"Where are you both?" I called out.

"Library," came Feyre's response.

I walked up there and saw them both sat on comfy looking sofas.

I kissed Ivy before sitting next to her. 

"How is the book writing coming?" I asked.

"I've written a couple of chapters but I'm not sure how good they are," she replied, gesturing to a pile of paper on the table in front of her. 

"Can I read them?" I asked.

She nodded and I picked the paper up, beginning to read. Her work was amazing, I loved it so much.

"Ivy this is incredible!" I told her.

"That's what I said," Feyre pitched in.

"You really think so?" she asked.

'Yes,' I sent down the bond.

The next couple of weeks were a blur of activity, Rhys and Feyre moved everything out of the town house, leaving it bare for us to do whatever we wanted with it. 

We furnished every room and asked Feyre to do some paintings for us. Ivy got her own space to write and spent most of her time doing that. 

Today is the day we are going to look into getting her book published. We walked to the library under the House of Wind and sat with Clotho, she told us that it would all be done magically so Ivy didn't need to write the whole thing again.

We watched as the manuscript we brought fused with a plain book, Ivy looked delighted. She told us that once we got home we should read it to make sure it was exactly how we wanted then she could duplicate it and send it to every library in the city.

On the walk home Ivy was practically buzzing with excitement and joy. I took her out to dinner to celebrate and all in all we were both so happy.

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