Chapter 13 - Ivy

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My book had been published for a week now, I decided to write another one and with Mor helping me I was finding it easy.

I woke up this morning to find the other half of the bed already cold. That wasn't unusual, Mor did a lot of things around the Night Court and was usually gone early morning.

I pulled on some casual clothes and walked downstairs to make tea. I stopped at the bottom, Mor was sat by the fire crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as I sat next to her and pulled her against me.

"She's dead," was all she said.

"Who?" I asked, a little worried.

"Lydia, one of the only nice people in the Hewn City, she birthed a little girl last night but died in the process." I held her close to me.

I just held her, rubbing soothing circles on her back, unsure of how to help.

"The little girl's father wants to kill the baby because she isn't a boy." Mor said after a couple of minutes.

"Could we take her in?" I asked before I thought about it properly.

She stared at me for a long time.

"Are you sure, I would love to, but I don't want you to feel pressured into it." Mor said.

"Of course, I'm sure, come one, let's go now." I said, pulling her to her feet.

We dressed in our usual attire, her in blood red and me in deep purple. She winnowed us to the Hewn City, and we set our masks.

We landed on my old street, but I didn't know who this Lydia was. Mor walked confidently over to a door and knocked.

"What do you want?" came a gruff voice from inside.

"It is The Morrigan, open the door." Mor said in her commanding voice.

The door opened not a second later and a male was stood there with a small boy.

"We have come to see the baby," I told him, crossing my arms.

"Come in," the male practically sighed.

Laying on the table in nothing more than a blanket was a baby, I walked over and scooped her up into my arms, she was freezing cold.

"I heard that you were going to kill her, cast her out into the mountain," Mor said, turning to the male.

"She killed my wife." Was his gruff response.

"We would like to take her, if you have no objections." Mor said, her voice dripping with honey.

"No objections here, get the rat out of my sight," he snarled.

I held the baby close and Mor gripped my arm, winnowing us home.

"She's freezing Mor," I said, tears in my eyes as I sat next to the fire in the hope of warming her.

"It's ok, she will be ok," Mor whispered, sitting next to me and looking at the small bundle in my arms.

"What do we name her?" I asked my mate, she gave me a small smile.

"How about Lydia?" She asked, running her fingers through the babies small tuft of hair.

"Lydia sounds perfect," I said with a small smile.

That night, once we had fully come to terms with being parents and had everything ready, we went to the manor, Feyre already said we should come over as we hadn't seen them in a while, so we took her up on the offer of dinner.

"So, we have a small surprise." Mor said, I was wrapped in light so they couldn't see me.

"Where is Ivy?" Feyre asked, looking around.

"I'm next to Mor but I'm holding the surprise so you can't see me yet." I told her with a chuckle.

"The suspense is killing me," Rhys purred from next to Feyre, apparently the others were coming over for drinks after dinner.

"We may have adopted a baby," Mor said, closing her eyes tight.

I just unveiled myself for them to see the little girl in my arms. Both of them were staring at us in shock.

"Where did you get a baby from?" Rhys asked, the shock clear on his face.

"You know Lydia Rhys?" he nodded, "she had a baby last night but died soon after, her husband wanted to cast the baby out, so we took her in." Mor said, lowering her eyes.

"I'm so happy for you both!" Feyre squealed and pulled us into a hug, being careful of the baby.

"What did you name her?" she carried on.

"Lydia," I said with a smile.

"That is perfect!" Feyre looked so happy and excited until her mate gently elbowed her.

"Oh, yeah, right, we have some news too." Feyre said, sobering herself up a little.

By this point we were sat at the table, Lydia was in a small rocking chair on the table next to me.

"Well, don't leave us hanging!" Mor said, eyes bright.

"I'm pregnant!" she said, placing a hand on her lower abdomen.

"That is so amazing!" Mor squealed.

"I'm so happy for you both!" I joined in.

We had a lovely dinner and soon after Cassian, Amren, Nesta, Azriel and Elain arrived. Each of them questioned the baby in my arms but each time we said we would tell when everyone arrived.

When they all finally did, Cassian being the latest, we told them that she was ours and they all went mad. Cassian had the best reaction out of the lot though, he jumped around for joy and accidently flapped his wings a little too hard sending him crashing into the celling.

Then Feyre told them her news and once again the room erupted, I loved being a part of this crazy family.

Six months later Feyre's baby was born, a healthy boy, she named him Nyx and the pair seemed so happy. We spend a lot of time in the manor, both of us helping the other out if necessary.

If Feyre and Rhys needed to go away for High Lord and Lady stuff I would bring Nyx to the town house and if me and Mor needed to go and yell and someone in the Hewn city Feyre and Rhys would look after Lydia, it was so sweet.

A year later, at Nyx's first birthday, I looked around at my family, all of the bravery and courage in one room, my mate, who glowed every time I saw her, and I was thankful for everything at happened to me, despite the darkness.

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