Chapter 7 - Ivy

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I was sat with Elain in her garden, she was teaching me the names of different plants.

"Ivy," Mor called from the house.

"I'm in the garden," I called back, standing up.

"Can I talk to you for a bit?" She asked me, I nodded and took her extended hand.

I still didn't like winnowing, but I was more used to it now.

She set us down in the slope of a hill that overlooked a beautiful forest.

"So, I didn't know if I should tell you something but Feyre convinced me that I should." She was stuttering.

"Whatever it is, it's ok." I told her; she had quickly become my closest friend.

"You're my mate." She said in a rush, closing her eyes tightly.

I let out a small laugh and she opened her eyes.

"I know, I've known for a little while, but you seemed so happy being single." I told her blushing a little.

"Ok, well that was not what I was expecting," she said looked very shocked.

"Is being my mate, ok?" I asked, looking away.

"Being your mate is amazing Ivy, you have no idea how happy you have just made me." She said, her eyes sparkling in the light.

"I don't really know how this works, Maria told me legends of the mating bond, but I don't really understand it. The only reason I know I'm yours is because I asked the light that night, we went out to dinner together and I couldn't get you out of my head." I said with a sheepish smile.

"That's when I realised too." She was grinning.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.

Wordlessly she took my face in her hands and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips. The bond between us snapped into place and I gasped at the strength of it.

"Wow, ok, this is new," She whispered, pressing a hand to her middle where the bond had tugged.

"Do we tell your family?" I asked, I wasn't sure how they would take it.

"Yes, although Feyre and Rhys already know I found my mate, they don't know it is you." She said, looking away.

"Come on, let's go." I said smiling.

We land in the foyer of the manor.

"Rhys, Feyre?" She called out.

"We're all in the sitting room waiting for you, Rhys says you have some news or something?" Cassian calls back.

We walked hand in hand through the door and everyone stared at us in shock.

"Ivy is your mate?" Feyre asks looking a little shocked.

"Yup," Mor said beaming.

"Party time!" Cassian yelled, jumping around.

Mor was giggling and I gripped her hand tighter.

"Go on, go and get ready." Feyre laughed.

Mor dragged me upstairs to her room and flung the wardrobe open. She began flicking through her dresses.

"What do you want to wear?" Mor asked me over her shoulder.

"Something that our fathers would hate." I said with a grin, I had gotten more confident in my body with Mor's help.

"Now that is what I like to hear."

She put me in a deep purple gown, the top was mostly mesh with two shafts to cover my breasts that come together and cover the middle of my stomach, the entire back and sides were exposed. The skirt was loose and had a slit in the front, along my left leg.

"I love this!" I squealed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"That is because you look stunning," Mor said as she walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my middle.

I turned and kissed her, "Three weeks ago I was sat in my dark room knowing that I was about to be sold off to the wealthiest or most powerful male." I whispered with a shudder.

"But now you are free, and you have a rather stunning mate," she whispered back, and I chuckled.

Mor's dress was the same as mine but hers was blood red accented in gold.

"Do we tell our fathers?" I asked, I didn't want to, but I couldn't hide forever.

"Yes, as much as I don't want to as the High Lord's Third and his ruler of the Hewn City they need to know." She said with a small sigh.

"Hey, it can be the final fuck you to their misogyny." I said, kissing her again.

"We're such a bad influence on you," she said as she pulled me closer.

"Come on, we shouldn't keep the rest of them waiting." I told her as I pulled away.

"You know one of us have to offer the other food tonight?" She asked as we walked outside.

"No, why?" I was a little confused.

"It shows that we accept the bond, some stupid tradition." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Will you sleep in the same bed as me tonight?" I asked, fully prepared for her to say no.

"Of course, I will!" she said, pulling me against her side.

She winnowed us into the air above a balcony. I let out a yelp as we fell but Mor looked calm, and we landed on the balcony without breaking anything.

Everyone was already there, Feyre walked over and handed us both a glass of wine.

"Welcome to the family officially Ivy," she smiled.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around.

"The House of Wind, our more formal home in Velaris." Rhys responded.

We all went to sit in the dining room and sat. Feyre passed Mor a bowl of soup with a wink and she scowled but turned to me with a smile on her face.

She set it in front of me and passed me a spoon. I was all too aware of the eyes on me as I picked up the spoon and dipped it in the soup, taking a sip. As soon as I had eaten the whole bowl everyone started celebrating. Mor took my face in her hands and kissed me; and kissed me.

We all sat down for dinner, Mor holding my hand tightly under the table.

"So, you two, me and Rhys have been talking." Feyre began.

"Oh Mother, why does that scare me?" Mor said, holding my hand a little tighter.

"We want to give you both the townhouse, that way you have your own space." Rhys said with a smile.

We both sat there in stunned silence, they were giving us their beautiful townhouse.

"There is one condition," Feyre carried on.

"What?" Mor asked, looking a little scared.

"You need to tell the Hewn City and we need to be there for it." She said with a small smile.

"You have a deal," Mor said, turning to me with a wide smile.

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