Chapter 4 - Mor

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I couldn't get Ivy out of my head, the entire night I sat wondering if she was ok, was she scared or lonely.

I must have slipped off at some point because I woke up to screams coming from Ivy's room. I got up and ran in.

"It burns." She was screaming over and over.

"Ivy, what burns?" I asked, trying to keep my voice calm as I pulled her against me.

"My eyes, it burns." She sobbed into my night dress.

Darkness soon settled in the room and Ivy looked up blinking.

"I'm so sorry Ivy, I forgot that you hadn't seen the sun before, I'll thin the darkness out a little at a time, it should help your eyes adjust." Rhys said, appearing in front of us.

After ten minutes of the darkness thinning out little by little Ivy was able to see without screaming in pain.

"I'll get you something to wear." I told her as I walked over to the wardrobe.

I pulled out a pair of high waisted leggings and a soft cream jumper, laying them on the bed and walking out to let her change.

Rhys was waiting for me in the corridor

"Is she ok?" He asked, biting his lip.

"Yes, just a little shaken, I'm letting her change in some more casual clothes then she can meet the others, I think Az might need to talk to her, it's like her powers are the opposite of his." I said, trying to think of an explanation.

"I've asked Helion for his assistance; he is coming here for lunch today." Rhys told me before walking away.

"Ivy, are you ok in there?" I called out.

"Yes," came her quiet reply.

"Can I come back in?" I asked.


I opened the door and saw her staring at her reflection. She looked even more beautiful than before. If that was even possible. She had taken out her braid and there were a pile of pearls on the vanity.

The pants were tight fitting and showed off her perfect carves, her hair hung to her hips and was slightly wavey. I blinked, I really needed to pull myself together.

I walked over to her and motioned for her to sit. I began braiding her hair back loosely, so it was out of her way.

"Who will be there?" She asked quietly.

"Cassian and Azriel were the two-winged dudes from yesterday then Amren will also be there." I told her as I tied off the end of the braid.

"Maria told me stories of her, is she really a monster?" She shuddered.

"No, after the war she became just High Fae, but she is still ancient, just don't steal her jewellery and you will be fine." I smiled at her in the mirror.

She was staring at herself again.

"Are you ok Ivy?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, it's just, I haven't seen myself since I was five, I can't get over how much I have grown, I have curves now and I don't know how to feel about it." She said, I turned her to face me.

"You are a beautiful young lady, never forget that." I told her with a smile.

"Thank you," she looked away blushing.

"Come on, we shouldn't keep them waiting, Cassian will throw a fit if he can't eat soon." I said with a grin.

We walked into the dining room and they all stopped talking.

"Morning Ivy, did you sleep well?" Feyre asked.

"Very thank you," she said with a small smile.

"Ivy, this is Cassian, Azriel and Amren, the rest of the inner circle," Rhys told her, gesturing to the people he was talking about. I sat her next to me.

"So, Rhysand tells me you have some strange ability girl," Amren practically snarled, I could feel Ivy flinch from next to me.

"Amren, we spoke about this, no intimidating people," Feyre snapped.

"What do you like to do Ivy?" Feyre asked after a brief pause.

"Read and write," she replied as she picked at a blueberry muffin.

"What do you write?" I asked.

"I've written a couple of short books, but they aren't very good, my mother didn't approve so she had them burnt." She told us, looking at her lap, I glanced around.

"We have loads of paper here, you can always write some more," Feyre offered.

Ivy just shrugged and hung her head.

"Hey, come with me outside, there is loads I want to show you." I told her with a smile.

I took her out back and showed her all of the flowers, the grass, the sky, clouds, birds. I took her to the Sidra, and we sat on a small jetty and stared into the water trying to spot fish.

'Mor, Helion is here,' Rhys said into my mind.

"Ivy, there is someone back home that might be able to help you understand your powers." I told her and we began the walk back.

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