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🌸 ѕчnσpѕíѕ 🌸

🌸 ѕчnσpѕíѕ 🌸

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She's ugly.

Way too ugly.

Well, no. There might be an exaggeration in here... It's just the wrong-doing of genetics.

The point is that this girl had declined from her prosperous years in school as one of the most beautiful of princesses to a plain peasant.

So the question is, as she pursues her current life, will she be able to live like any normal third year?

Will her circumstances crush any yearning she may have for a romantic episode in her youth?

In other words, who'll accept her the way she is?

🐒 αuthσr'ѕ nσtє 🐒

I wrote this story 4 years ago and I think it's kinda cringe but what the heck I've been laughing at this dumb shit.

The way I wrote about love in this story is so complicated and kinda toxic and weird.

Dunno wtf was up with that shit lmao.

Now that I think about it though, love can be like that.

It all depends on the efforts put from both partners in the relationship.

So the two are inexperienced which makes their actions dumb af most of the time and sorry if you get triggered lmao.

I hope you don't hate Kuroo from this fanfic as he's usually interpreted as the perverted playboy who's so composed and experienced in most fanfics.

But in this one, he's just a boy loving the person and hating the way this person makes him feel.

As in being disoriented and conflicted, especially since the OC has eyes for someone else in the beginning.

Their main issue was lack of communication and I dunno even though I'm 4 years older, I guess my younger self did a good job in capturing what it feels like to be stuck in your own nightmare of overthinking and assumptions and you're more than free to share your experience and critique my view c:

Also this story has an incredibly slow start into the relationship, so yea lmao just a warning for yall impatient peeps

Kinda weird that I wrote it in a first person point of view but I remember I did that cause I was experimenting with different writing styles.

So pls join me in judging my life choices lmao

Anyways, I did some editing cause the ending (as usual with all my shitty stories) was rushed and some things werent explained.

Heck even I, myself, was confused at what I was trying to get at.

I guess I got demotivated at some point.

Anyhoe, enjoy this catastrophe and I hope you laugh as much as I did at Katsuhira Kyoko's dumbassery ❤️

End of long bs.

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